Welcome to my life!
Hi folks!
As an electronic engineer the most of my work is about making new designs where a microcontroller is present in 99.9 % of the applications. Since 2003 I am self-employed and do consultants work for different companies. I have been traveling to different parts of the world doing work for DeLaval International, a company that makes automation equipment for the dairy industry. A lot of the things I have done for them involves use of different Atmel AVR microcontrollers. Issues have been to give feed, weigh and milk cows, goats and sheep. The purpose is to give the farmer a better overview of his herd, increased production and healthier and happier animals.
At the moment I am working on a project for another company, using the ARM Cortex M3 derivate LPC1788 from NXP. I did recently purchase a Keil compilator. but has also purchased the brand new ARM Cortex M3 compilator from Imagecraft. As an experienced user of Imagecraft's compiler for the Atmel AVR microcontroller, I expect the ARM Cortex version from that company to be a winner as well. Unfortunately the Imagecraft compiler is still only available as a beta version, that's why we chose to use the Keil compiler in this first project.
The artistic side of my life is to do life modeling for different art schools, art museums and others on request. I have done this for 20 years, and this type of work is so different from being an engineer and do add some kind of value into my life.
I have been driving motorcycles since I don't know, different brands from several countries. My main interest is vintage motorcycles and I am myself a proud owner of a 1952 model AJS, an English brand. At engineering school, I did my diploma in mechatronics on making an electronic injection system for the AJS based on the Motorola 68HC16 microcontroller.
I do ride horses as well, and we have two horses here on our farm where we live.
I am currently getting my private pilot license schooling on a Piper Cherokee PA28-140 from 1967. Vintage as well :-)
Last, but not the least: I am active in church and are responsible for sound, light, network, alarms and whatever is electrical related. And I am a youth leader which also does enrich my life so much. Some years ago I was teaching electronics at a hobby club in church where we developed a DMX512 light control system from the bottom. One of the young guys made a program in Visual Basic so that the computer was acting as the control.
Hopefully we all will gain something of this experiment; perhaps it will give us all new opportunities for our businesses.
Have a nice day :-)

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