Imagine Conference

October winner announced

Stephane BoucherNovember 15, 20121 comment

If you are a regular visitor of EmbeddedRelated, you are most likely aware that I have been running monthly draws lately for users of the site who are helping me to clean up the archives by rating threads in the forums section.  

For the month of August, the member "Cryptoman" won a iPad, and for the month of September, 10 members won $50 each.  

For October, the winner of the new iPod Touch is the member with the username "hssathya".

The winner of the next draw will win a new iPad mini and will be announced early in 2013.  This time though, the draw will be for ratings recorded in November and December.  So for every rating you enter (thumbs up or thumbs down) in the forums section between November 1st and December 31st, you get one more chance to win the iPad.  Very much like buying a lotery ticket. 

Thanks a lot for your participation and for helping me clean up the archives!


UPDATE (March 1st 2013)

Not that many individuals rated threads in November and December - maybe everyone was really busy with the holidays!  Anyhow, for those who took the time to rate a few threads, the odds to win the ipad mini were quite good.  In total, 326 ratings have been recorded.  The winner of the iPad mini for the months of November and December is user "srl100" who rated a total of 9 threads during these two months.  Thanks a lot to everyone who has taken the time to rate some of the forum threads and please do not hesitate to keep rating threads has you read them!

Imagine Conference
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Comment by hssathyaNovember 15, 2012

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