
Alternative to IAR?

Started by Rick March 9, 2004
We are looking for a cheaper (but good) alternative to the IAR
Embedded Workbench for the MSP430. Any suggestions?

On 9 Mar 2004 09:20:45 -0800, temp1@cfl.rr.com (Rick) wrote:

>We are looking for a cheaper (but good) alternative to the IAR >Embedded Workbench for the MSP430. Any suggestions? >
Imagecraft has a reputation for good compilers, and they're significantly cheaper than IAR. I believe they make one for the MSP430. There's also a GCC for the 430. I haven't tried it, but the GCC for the Atmel AVR is very good, and the price is right. Regards, -=Dave -- Change is inevitable, progress is not.
temp1@cfl.rr.com (Rick) wrote in

> We are looking for a cheaper (but good) alternative to the IAR > Embedded Workbench for the MSP430. Any suggestions?
Qaudravox. Haven't tried it though. http://www.quadravox.com/AQ430.htm -- - Mark -> --
Rick writes:

> We are looking for a cheaper (but good) alternative to the IAR > Embedded Workbench for the MSP430. Any suggestions? > > TIA
I am using the IAR Workbench currently, but we also experimented with the MSP-GCC. Source code changes were minor, because it seems that both compiler derive their include files from TI. Only interrupt definitions are different between compilers (but nothing which couldn't be solved with some #ifdefs if you want to support both compilers). So, "porting" to MSP-GCC was fairly painless. Our local TI contact also recommends a different compiler coming from http://www.rowley.co.uk/, but I have not checked that one. Anybody having experiences with it? Guido
On 9 Mar 2004 09:20:45 -0800, temp1@cfl.rr.com (Rick) wrote:

>We are looking for a cheaper (but good) alternative to the IAR >Embedded Workbench for the MSP430. Any suggestions?
I've used the Imagecraft MSP430 compiler a little (but their AVR compiler quite a lot). Happy with both. Would buy either again. There's a free download of an evaluation/demo version at www.imagecraft.com/software. There's also a mailing list, and archives of the list, at www.dragonsgate.net/mailman/listinfo -- Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
temp1@cfl.rr.com (Rick) wrote in message news:<8986633b.0403090920.13bde3ad@posting.google.com>...
> We are looking for a cheaper (but good) alternative to the IAR > Embedded Workbench for the MSP430. Any suggestions? > > TIA
I started developing using the IAR tools (the only ones available at the time) and found them to compile well but the IDE was very poor. When sother toolsets came available I looked at all of them and migrated my code over to each in turn. They are all good, with better support than IAR, which can be very slow. I still use the IAR toolset because of inertia and the prohibitive cost of retesting the code if I change to another toolset but, if I was sarting out again then I would not be using IAR. I would probably be using the Rowley tools but could equally well be using Quadravox or Imagecraft all of which are highly regarded and have loyal followers. For home/hobby use then go for the GNU tools but be prepared to do a bit of work to get everything up and running. Ian
> We are looking for a cheaper (but good) alternative to the IAR > Embedded Workbench for the MSP430. Any suggestions?
I've got the Quadrovox (http://www.quadravox.com/AQ430.htm), and it works well for me. It's only $395, and they have a 30 day free trial. I've also got the IAR Baseline package, which has been a complete waste of money. -Hershel
Rick wrote:
> We are looking for a cheaper (but good) alternative to the IAR > Embedded Workbench for the MSP430. Any suggestions? > > TIA
How about the IAR Embedded Workbench for AVR Limited edition is Free but limited to 4kB C-code Sorry, could not resist :-) -- Best Regards Ulf at atmel dot com These comments are intended to be my own opinion and they may, or may not be shared by my employer, Atmel Sweden.
"Rick" <temp1@cfl.rr.com> wrote in message
> We are looking for a cheaper (but good) alternative to the IAR > Embedded Workbench for the MSP430. Any suggestions? > > TIA
We provide a nice IDE and debugger, and super CrossConnect for MSP430 which can load the MSP430 at 28K/second. Try www.rowley.co.uk and follow your nose. -- Paul Curtis.