Imagine Conference

Debugging assembly

Started by rasega November 24, 2005
Hi all,
I'm writing some routine for a Motorola 68HC11, but
it seems that debugging the code in assembler is a little bit difficult
Please, what software do U suggest me to simplify this job ??

Assembling the code with asmhc11.exe give me back many errors,
but not what this error are and where thery are !!
Is there a way to know it ??  

Thank U


rasega wrote:
> Hi all, > I'm writing some routine for a Motorola 68HC11, but > it seems that debugging the code in assembler is a little bit difficult > !! > Please, what software do U suggest me to simplify this job ?? > > Assembling the code with asmhc11.exe give me back many errors, > but not what this error are and where thery are !! > Is there a way to know it ?? > > Thank U > > Ric
I take it you cannot get the program to assemble, debugging is normaly the phase after you have got the program assembled, you need to take each error 1 at a time starting from the top. 1 mistake can cause multiple error messages to be generated so it's not as bad as it first appears. Your assembler should tell you what the error is and what line it appears on fix all the obvious ones first.
Uhm, ok well,
but the assembler don't seems to like this way ;-)
and tells me just the number of errors :-((

"rasega" <richi.rasega@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Uhm, ok well, > but the assembler don't seems to like this way ;-) > and tells me just the number of errors :-(( >
If your assembler only tells you the number of errors and not what the errors are, you need a new/different assembler. -- James T. White
rasega wrote:

>Uhm, ok well, >but the assembler don't seems to like this way ;-) >and tells me just the number of errors :-((
As is so often the case, the answer may be to RTFM. Look there for command line options that control the assembler's error output. -- ======================================================================== Michael Kesti | "And like, one and one don't make | two, one and one make one." mrkesti at comcast dot net | - The Who, Bargain
rasega wrote:
> Uhm, ok well, > but the assembler don't seems to like this way ;-) > and tells me just the number of errors :-(( >
try to generate the .lst file (or whatever it is for MOT) and find out from there the details of the error(s) rw
"rasega" <richi.rasega@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Uhm, ok well, > but the assembler don't seems to like this way ;-) > and tells me just the number of errors :-(( >
Many assemblers provide you with listing files (.lst) that contain the errorneous lines of the assembly program. When you run the assembler for you code file, check if a similarly named .lst file appears in the directory. This file usually contains the errors. Also, there might be a command-line option to enable/disable the listing-file generation. The answer is to RTFM, like someone so oftly put :) - Antti Keskinen
On Thu, 24 Nov 2005 06:27:37 -0800, rasega wrote:

> Please, what software do U suggest me to simplify this job ??
Ditch assembly, get yourself a good C compiler. Dan
OK, thanks all,
I'll try some option of my assembler !!

Sorry but...what does RTFM means ??

rasega wrote:

>OK, thanks all, >I'll try some option of my assembler !! > >Sorry but...what does RTFM means ??
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=RTFM -- ======================================================================== Michael Kesti | "And like, one and one don't make | two, one and one make one." mrkesti at comcast dot net | - The Who, Bargain

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