Imagine Conference

msp430 MCLK doesn't work with XT2 clock source

Started by el_777 March 16, 2006
I'm working with the ms430-449STK2 olimex development kit that IAR
distributes with its software,

"XT2 = 8Mhz"
The problem is that I can't select the XT2 as a clock source for the
In fact I make this instruction:

FLL_CTL1 = (SELS + SELM1) & (~XT2OFF);

and the IAR IDE show me that the right bits are sets, as follows:
SELM1 = 1
SELM0 = 0
XT20FF= 0
SELS = 1
However the MCLK works like I had selected the DCOPLUS source.

Like an extra comment, something weird is that I can configure the XT2 as
a clock source for SMCLK.

> The problem is that I can't select the XT2 as a clock source for the > MCLK.
You're probably victim to a common MSP430 beginner mistake of failing check for and clearing the oscillator fault after the clock source change over. TI has a simple sample program called fet140_hfxtal.c (or something like that) that shows you exactly what you need to do. I think there's also an app note avalable on the topic. You should be able to find it on the TI web site. BTW, there's a very active MSP430 user's group on Yahoo groups. JJS
>> The problem is that I can't select the XT2 as a clock source for the >> MCLK. > >You're probably victim to a common MSP430 beginner mistake of failing >check for and clearing the oscillator fault after the clock source >change over. TI has a simple sample program called fet140_hfxtal.c (or >something like that) that shows you exactly what you need to do. I >think there's also an app note avalable on the topic. You should be >able to find it on the TI web site. > >BTW, there's a very active MSP430 user's group on Yahoo groups. > >JJS > >
thank you kindly for your help, you was right, I don't wait for the OFIFG come to set. This code set the MCLK and SMCLK at the source XT2 for HF the msp430. FLL_CTL1 = (SELS + SELM1) & (~XT2OFF); do{ IFG1 &= ~OFIFG; // Clear OSCFault flag for (i = 0xFF; i > 0; i--); // Time for flag to set }while ((IFG1 & OFIFG) != 0); // OSCFault flag still set? EOF

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