
How to Build a Board with DSP chip

Started by Simone Mehta August 11, 2004
Hi ,
  I want to build a board (BSP) . I have with me a TI processor . and
want to use some RTOS (like  pSOS/VxWorks ). I don;t know whether this
is possible but want your Inputs. If suppose I have the RTOSes I have
mentioned do their kernel run on TI processor chips. Getting up a
Host/Target ENV will be my next job.


Simone Mehta wrote:

> Hi , > I want to build a board (BSP) . I have with me a TI processor . and > want to use some RTOS (like pSOS/VxWorks ). I don;t know whether this > is possible but want your Inputs. If suppose I have the RTOSes I have > mentioned do their kernel run on TI processor chips. Getting up a > Host/Target ENV will be my next job. > > TIA, > Simone81
Do you want to build a BSP (a software package that supports a particular CPU card), or do you want to build a CPU card using a particular CPU? If #1, unless you have extensive experience, buy one from the board vendor. if #2, unless you have 2o years design experience, buy a board. Speaking only for myself, Joe Durusau
first, ask if they have a version of the kernel that will run on your
chip.  Then, if you aren't designing the board ask the board vendor if
they can sell you a BSP.  If they can't, or if you are designing your own
board, you might think about looking for a contractor to design you a
BSP.  If you can't do that contract with WindRiver for BSP design
classes.  Developing a BSP is non-trivial, and unless you just really
can't afford to have someone do it for you or you are experienced with
vxworks you probably will find it cheaper to buy elsewhere (although the
up-front expensive is massive, you WILL recoup it in gained development


Simone Mehta wrote:

> Hi , > I want to build a board (BSP) . I have with me a TI processor . and > want to use some RTOS (like pSOS/VxWorks ). I don;t know whether this > is possible but want your Inputs. If suppose I have the RTOSes I have > mentioned do their kernel run on TI processor chips. Getting up a > Host/Target ENV will be my next job. > > TIA, > Simone81
joe durusau <joe.durusau@lmco.com> wrote in message 

> Do you want to build a BSP (a software package that supports a > particular CPU card), or do you want to build a CPU card using a > particular CPU? > > If #1, unless you have extensive experience, buy one from the > board vendor.
I do not have the experience but dying to get the same .
> if #2, unless you have 2o years design experience, buy a board.
<situation> i'll tell you my plight... I know some basics of pSOS . I have a TI DSP chip which is of no use to any one else in our lab so I could probably use it to get my Dream Embedded System Going. I can invest on the other components such as Serial Interface. PCB required if any. As I am from a non-Electronics background I want to know the components required. Googling has not fetched me any DSP/pSOS pointers . <situation/> I hope I answered your Qs so that you can help me better. Thanks for your Time. Regards, Simone Mehta. -- Windoze never killed anyone, if anything it just pisses off everyone at every available opportunity :) - Simone.
Simone Mehta wrote:
... snip ...
> > As I am from a non-Electronics background I want to know the > components required. > Googling has not fetched me any DSP/pSOS pointers .
pSOS was sold to another real time OS firm (Wind River) several years ago. There is a newsgroup around for it, but even back then that group was pretty quiet. pSOS was/is used in Otis elevator systems. Your best bet these days might well be application notes from various IC manufacturers. Don't neglect the PIC and assembly, which is pretty basic, and has all sorts of ANs available. -- Chuck F (cbfalconer@yahoo.com) (cbfalconer@worldnet.att.net) Available for consulting/temporary embedded and systems. <http://cbfalconer.home.att.net> USE worldnet address!
CBFalconer <cbfalconer@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
Subject : How to Build a Board with DSP chip
> ... snip ...
> pSOS was sold to another real time OS firm (Wind River) several > years ago. There is a newsgroup around for it, but even back then > that group was pretty quiet.
Yeah ur rgt... that group is really silent especially even after me cross-posting to that group.
>pSOS was/is used in Otis elevator systems.
thats good piece of info thanks...
> Your best bet these days might well be application notes from > various IC manufacturers. Don't neglect the PIC and assembly, > which is pretty basic, and has all sorts of ANs available.
Can I contact you offline about more info on these as I don't understand your tech speak. Thanks again for your time.
fyi, iirc, TI already has an off-the-shelf RTOS for their newer DSP chip line, 
integrated with the GODSP IDE,

DSPs typically are dedicated to intensive repetitive signal processing
tasks, bogging them down with a full-blown OS doesnt make as much
sense as using them as a coprocessor with an existing off-the-shelf

> first, ask if they have a version of the kernel that will run on your > chip. Then, if you aren't designing the board ask the board vendor if > they can sell you a BSP. If they can't, or if you are designing your own > board, you might think about looking for a contractor to design you a > BSP. If you can't do that contract with WindRiver for BSP design > classes. Developing a BSP is non-trivial, and unless you just really > can't afford to have someone do it for you or you are experienced with > vxworks you probably will find it cheaper to buy elsewhere (although the > up-front expensive is massive, you WILL recoup it in gained development > time). > > David > > Simone Mehta wrote: > > > Hi , > > I want to build a board (BSP) . I have with me a TI processor . and > > want to use some RTOS (like pSOS/VxWorks ). I don;t know whether this > > is possible but want your Inputs. If suppose I have the RTOSes I have > > mentioned do their kernel run on TI processor chips. Getting up a > > Host/Target ENV will be my next job. > > > > TIA, > > Simone81
"Simone Mehta" <simone81@indiatimes.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> CBFalconer <cbfalconer@yahoo.com> wrote in message > Subject : How to Build a Board with DSP chip > > ... snip ... > > > pSOS was sold to another real time OS firm (Wind River) several > > years ago. There is a newsgroup around for it, but even back then > > that group was pretty quiet. > Yeah ur rgt... that group is really silent especially even after me > cross-posting to that group. >
Hello Simone, there IS no DSP port of pSOSystem. There have been attempts to do so, but they have not been comercially successfull. So the reason for the quietness of the comp.os.pSOS might be due to the subject: DSP and pSOSystem. So be convinced, the quietness is not because of your post. :-) It might be that the usage of the "killed" RTOS has been reduced in the recent years? Hope it helped. PS: I still use pSOSystem for ARM... -- BaSystem Martin Raabe E: Martin.Raabe<at>B-a-S-y-s-t-e-m<dot>de
perfb@yahoo.com (perfb) wrote in message news:<775799ec.0408171734.19baaa6@posting.google.com>...
> fyi, iirc, TI already has an off-the-shelf RTOS for their newer DSP chip line, > integrated with the GODSP IDE,
Correct its called DSP BIOS. It's free when you buy a Code Composer Studio (the next generation of the GO DSP IDE actually supported by TI) license. It's got most of the features you expect from an RTOS....dynamic thread control, semaphores, etc...and the price is tough to beat. Regards, Ben
Although we just got a call from Wind River from somebody sniffing around
to find out if we might owe them license money.  Talk about gall.

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