Imagine Conference

How to Build a Board with DSP chip

Started by Simone Mehta August 11, 2004
Check VspWorks from WindRiver, a DSP RTOS which works great !!!


"Simone Mehta" <simone81@indiatimes.com> a &#4294967295;crit dans le message de
> joe durusau <joe.durusau@lmco.com> wrote in message > > > Do you want to build a BSP (a software package that supports a > > particular CPU card), or do you want to build a CPU card using a > > particular CPU? > > > > If #1, unless you have extensive experience, buy one from the > > board vendor. > > I do not have the experience but dying to get the same . > > > if #2, unless you have 2o years design experience, buy a board. > > <situation> > i'll tell you my plight... > I know some basics of pSOS . > I have a TI DSP chip which is of no use to any one else in our lab > so I could probably use it to get my Dream Embedded System Going. > I can invest on the other components such as Serial Interface. > PCB required if any. > As I am from a non-Electronics background I want to know the > components required. > Googling has not fetched me any DSP/pSOS pointers . > <situation/> > > I hope I answered your Qs so that you can help me better. > Thanks for your Time. > > Regards, > Simone Mehta. > > -- > Windoze never killed anyone, if anything it just pisses off everyone > at every available opportunity :) > - Simone.
"Martin Raabe" <Martin.Raab@ATNOSPAMBaSystem.de> wrote 
> "Simone Mehta" <simone81@indiatimes.com> > > CBFalconer <cbfalconer@yahoo.com> > > Subject : How to Build a Board with DSP chip > > > ... snip ... > > there IS no DSP port of pSOSystem.
> It might be that the usage of the "killed" RTOS has been reduced in the > recent years?
Well I am still a Big Fan of pSOS because of its simplicity when compared to WR's VxWorks and also because of its compa
> Hope it helped.
It helped a lot . Thanks.
> PS: I still use pSOSystem for ARM...
To just quickly summarise this thread, I can use a Arm board with pSOS running and a DSP can at best be a co-processor . Thanks, Simone Mehta -- "Live Life Queen Size"
On 24 Aug 2004 07:11:38 -0700, simone81@indiatimes.com (Simone Mehta)

>Well I am still a Big Fan of pSOS because of its simplicity when >compared to WR's VxWorks and also because of its compa
If you like the API, you might find RTEMS familiar. There's an ARM V7 port and a TI C3x/C4x DSP port as well. www.rtems.org Regards, -=Dave -- Change is inevitable, progress is not.

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