Stefan Krüger (@s-light)
on top - every device can have some variation to the next one - as the hw has tolerances too....originally they com from the RC-Toy world - in the beginnings all...
Hello Dave,in a documentation film they showed a remote micro-grid..the controller for these was i think ESP32 or so based and the cases 3d-printed..i did not remember...
from my gut feeling i also would go for something with more power than the ESP32.the processing power has a big impact on the usability -with the ESP32 it could...
hello steven,
i think what way to go is mainly a architectural & style decision and should therefore involve the surrounding code as basis...
my favorite is...
maybe umbrello - designed for uml - but maybe it is working for your did some uml dokumentation some time back for a projekt...
for a really advanced library have a look at by Ken Shirriff(
Thanks for your findings and in-depth explanation! just one idea that came to my mind:change the forum so that the edit of the first post goes to moderation -eventually...
please tell us a bit more what your 'idea' behind this is!as most of the other great answers already have written - there are a bunch of ways to go ;-)also read...
hello Steven,
i don't know if i have understood your current design could be that what i describe is exactly as you do it -just out of my head i would...
as Geato already explained - i would also try the 'light-guide' version.what you are asking for is some way of diffusor.There are two principle ways to do this:Diffused...
i don't know if my ideas are possible - but thought i just write down what came to my mind...
eventually you could work with some sort of Electro-Magnetic Resonance...
you could check out what 8devices has to show 8devices (they have some nice router-hardware-based SOMs...)and my favorite lcd things at Electronic Assembly(i think...
Hi zoltanb,if you not allreaddy found the 'FAQ posts' have a look at the first message in has listed...
Topic: What are the steps you have to do for a new Product / Device you are designing?its similar / related to trmittal24 Difference between an Embedded Systems...
additionally to the named ones:if you like to use a grapic-based editor you could try Atomit can be configured with thousands of plugins to behave as you want...its...
One thing i know i sometimes loose myself to is pack more and more features into the code - like 'hey i have a idea what this can also be used for..' or 'this is...
For my last couple projects it was quite easy to select one- here is why:my target 'products' are single or very low quantity systems and most of the projects have...
Hello SpiderKenny,i don't know how much processing-power you really can have a look at ACME Systemsthey have a range of modules:i personally use the Arietta...
hm you are right servo is also a good idea! - i love the idea of a TWI controlled Servo - there is one project that just does that - replace the original servo electronics...
Thanks for this nice and clean explanation!i heard about PID before but with your demonstration i really started to understand the concept :-)for me the next step...
Hi fabatera,the tutorial is titled 'Building a Debian Jessie Linux distribution'so i think it is a debian based system ;-) (on my laptop i run kubuntu - also based...
Hello Embeddedrelated-Comunity,iam in the process to build a small device that uses a System On Module(Aria G25 with an ARM9 @ 400Mhz on #Atmel AT91SAM9G25 SoC)
last time i have used just some square post headers and tilted theme a little so that there was solid contact. (similar as waltx mentioned)next time i will try to...
that was fast :-)it shows nicely for me.for the picture past thing:i think the editor you are using (redactor' i think ;-) ) seams to support pasting images with...
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