
Software Prototyping

Gene BrenimanAugust 19, 20081 comment

In my recent blog entry on the product development process (way down, near the end of the entry), I wrote the following:

"I continue these sorts of tests, building more and more complexity, until I am satisfied that my circuit is basically functional. Then, using the test code that I have created as a model, I begin to write the real software for my product. As my software grows, to complete the full functionality of my design, I sometime find it useful to drop back to my 'test software' to prove or test some function that I had not previously tested (or completely tested) during the bring up process."

At the time, I failed to drive home the true point of this paragraph, which is; 'Create a software prototype'. A few days after posting this, I picked up the latest issue of "Embedded Systems Design" and read the 'break points' article by Jack G. Ganssle on "Creating software prototypes". His article described, so eloquently, a topic that which I only spent one paragraph on (perhaps I was tired due to the length of my post). Here is a link to that awesome article:


I hope to follow up my prior blog entry with a series of posts further explaining some of the steps in my development process (using illustrations and examples). Having come across this very informative article on 'Software Prototypes", I feel that there is little to more that I can add on this subject.

Happy Embedding!


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Comment by sarwanFebruary 1, 2012
hi,, sir i am doing my master thesis on fpga i want to design forward traffic channel of cdma using fpga, i want do implement traffic channel without using Rf modulator and microblze Up is it possible... plz help me thnks

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