Imagine Conference

Spectacular Sensors Smackdown!

Started by MaxMaxfield 4 years ago5 replieslatest reply 4 years ago123 views

Hi everyone -- take a look at this column I just wrote – if you could have an interesting, fun, or frivolous sensor-based project, then you may want to enter it in this competition -- Max

Spectacular Sensors Smackdown!

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Reply by mr_banditNovember 6, 2020

cool board. Be cool to do a Game of Life on it.

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Reply by MaxMaxfieldNovember 6, 2020

Yes, an implementation of the Game of Life is definitely on the cards -- I'm also now thinking about a Code War implementation (see https://www.clivemaxfield.com/virtual-drips-meet-c...)

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Reply by mr_banditNovember 6, 2020

My other thought is something that lets you select a ball && something happens. Like a mouse out of the adafruit 6dof. 

select both the location and color of a ball. rinse/repeat. then start some action.

I already saw your virtual drip.

Are the RGB LED's individually wired? should be easy to make an NxN PCB and tile them to create large arrays. Each tile would have some mux - maybe I2C - to address the LEDs

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Reply by MaxMaxfieldNovember 6, 2020

The LEDs are daisy-chained -- all controlled from a single pin on the MCU -- there are so many things you could do with this display -- but think what you could do with a wall-size version, like: https://bit.ly/3jrwKyV

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Reply by mr_banditNovember 6, 2020

So you are using the Adafruit neopixels or equivalent.

His board is logically how I imagined how to do it physically. I like his ping pong ball hot glue frame.

I would think having a large section (say a quadrant) controlled by its own arduino and syncing them up.

All in all, that is a really cool project. But - Rule #1: secure your work. I always do it because I have one hand and no spares.

FYI: www (dot) instructables (dot) com/howto/mr_bandit/

Imagine Conference