Kevin Sargent (@CustomSarge)
Can't disagree, but event driven wastes fewer cycles looking when nobody's there, so long as INTs aren't needed for other stuff.
Sampling at any frequency presumes you're not doing much of anything else - maybe valid - or not. Being INT based, I'll presume a background task set that gets modified...
Ok, still vague.... are multi-button presses valid? Is there a priority amongst buttons? IF multi is valid AND no priority, you still created a monster by having...
Voting for the lowest hanging fruit: an O'scope! Can't have too many or too few channels - bandwidth is project dependent.
Howdy, 1> major distinction required. You're playing with RC servos. Yes they have their place, but rarely seen in industrial applications (no toys allowed).2>...
Does the latency vary? Is there a task priority manager in Linux? Are there other tasks running that you could pause or not need? What's the overall nature of the...
2.2k / 3.3k takes 5 down to 3.333.. But also see if the encoder will run at 3.3. A lot of sensors have quite a PS range. G.H. <<<)))
Self configuration at powerup is an option. I wrote for a 2-16 node system that you couldn't control the way the end user was going to connect the nodes. So the...
Didn't know it's a bought module and known functional.You hit on something - block send. Note there are commands that want ~40uS to be accepted, the block send...
In this "neo-natal surgery" scenario, I'd write some atomic line set/reset code. I write asm, so I'm clueless on your code. But be deliberate in having data, r/w*...
Howdy, 1st up: I'm bad w/audio (never get the SNR good enough), analog sensors not so bad.I'd be looking at various DSP mfgrs and their libraries of canned functions.Upside:...
I agree with Hodgec. You could also structure it without the zero fill since you have entry counts. It would make it easy to find all N number entries if required....
It can be handy depending on what processing you do with the value.Right justified is for dealing with it as a simple 12 bit value.Left is for treating it as a...
Howdy, in no particular order:Requesting advice when we have to look up the device referred to ain't a good start.A fully integrated RGB LED controller that includes...
AHhhh, I thought it simply counted posts. I'm just not getting many thumbs up "votes". That's fine by me, if I don't contribute in a meaningful way, I didn't earn...
Ok, it's kinda petty, but I DO post missives, yet seem to get no attribution.If you're stopping counting, then delete the column showing them. Otherwise keep them accurate:...
Howdy, back ~3 decades, hardware state analyzers were common. They "camped" on data and address lines, unbeknownst to the UUT and allowed full state tracing. They...
Howdy, not certain "compiler" is right here. The compiler better evaluate / translate every possible path, since it isn't around at runtime. An interpreter probably...
Been doing I2C since before uCs had the module, but my colleague favored SPI. A recent project finally pushed me to SPI for low latency.If the chips used have onboard...
All good suggestions so far. Since speed isn't an issue I2C would be a candidate, but SPI is Much faster. Since you have a micro per node, you can just assign addresses...
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Now to the issue posed: do you want me to "sculpt" a lecture on debouncing ? Hardware issues are easy, software ones are more...
I'm not referring to cross manufacturer mobility. You'd think a mfgr would make it easy to copy / clone projects as incentive to stay in their product family.
Reading the Nordic SDK issue, let's expand the topic as in the title.I can't be the only one frustrated past anger at how SDKs make code and project portability...
Howdy, while it may be a bit mundane, I've developed a fair expertise in debouncing switching contacts. Hardware is Ok but software is controllable. If that's a...
Howdy, while I encourage your ambitions, I'll advise being careful. Don't implement high consequence devices before you're Real Certain it's fully failure proofed.I've...
I'll add that it infers "right size" flexibility, competence in using the resources at that scale. Wide chips are overkill on small tasks while narrow might be able...
Howdy, I'm not a good C coder, so no help there. But SPI can run 12MBps while I2C is much slower. My point is, from a high level language, a well written transaction...
Howdy, you're not saying which OS or compiler. A DOS C++ has a short COM list. If C++ under Visual Studio, not a problem. I've got several BASIC under Visual Studio...
Howdy, did something go wonky with the "Top Contributors" counter?Not that I keep track... DOHI Do try to keep up with others (matthewbarr is my metric) in my relative...
Indeed, Thanks for view from the other side! I think it points out the "a good engineer rarely makes a good manager" principle. Good engineers usually don't possess...
All excellent points, to that I'll add delegate, observe, review, Don't micromanage or interfere. Be open to different approaches, neither accept nor reject, but...
Ah, seeing more, I'll suggest a uC for each display and a central one as master. More hdwe, but the slaves are easy, master is also easier since it isn't doing it...
Thanks Kocsonya for the detail, M3 sounds like a great winter endeavor. But, to the OP now (Captain wants the plane back).
I've written for Many different LCD chr units, 1602s are like Corn Flakes. The only difference I've seen is starting address of each line, or half line.It's a...
Hmmm, so it's the classic "once you get the first little code running" the rest cascades into line ?Whee, an orthogonal addressing aspect I MUST explore. I wrote...
If you're new to uController development, I'd suggest trying to fit it into an 8 bit device. I looked at the STM32 and saw a learning curve roughly as a wall. Others...
Ok, at the risk of inferring naivete: all mfgrs grade their products by yield.Logic chips used to be graded on speed, but they're fast enough now to be irrelevant.Complex...
Sad to say there is NO good answer in hardware, time constants for debounce will work on some, but not for others. It Totally depends on the mechanical build and...
Well, I suppose at a minimalist view, yes. I think of state machines as a set of outputs controlled by a structured set of inputs.I designed a light controller...
Howdy, I'm doing projects with the STM8 series using ST Visual Development. I poked around ST, but don't see any IDE for other than Windows. You haven't said how...
Howdy, Something I need to 'mem/admit is I'm a 1 peep shop. Version control is "ok moron" where's the last functional version... As soon as you get to more than...
Sage neigh prescient stuff here:"Make your comments with the assumption the next person is a maniacal serial killer with a hair trigger - and your name is in the...
Howdy, Dilberto. My suspicions are that the overall complexity of the code precludes sufficient modularization to build assembler versions. However, IF it could...
Having been there when my colleague died, trying to port his code was silly - no and I mean NO documentation or commentary in the code.Writers of assembler document...
Howdy, Yes and Yes - It's why I write assembler... 40+ yrs and counting.HMI is a Lot easier in a higher level language and I can do that. But functional embedded...
Howdy, You've got 2 things clouding a quality answer: chip family (cpu core) and which compiler. In writing assembler, you'll Know what's best or necessary - no...
I've been down this rabbit hole a few times and found it to be a zero sum game. The complexity of the test side roughly equals the objective side with similar uncertainties....
I found this on Xilinx website:Zync UltraScale+ RFSoC ZCU1275 Characterization Kit P# CK-U1-ZCU1275-GBut it's $20k !! Yikes. Being a school you might get a better...
Howdy, power supply conversions are easy - for those familiar. PLEASE copy / send me any valid conversion queries.Been doing this type stuff 50+ years (no kidding).Mem:...
I'm Kalamazoo, Michigan area, rural enough to not have many cases, as versed with Detroit area. Been work out of home 25+ years, some luck, much effort. Using this...
Howdy, it seems you're trying to be specific without any details. It's overall more general - specific is totally case by case. In agreement with other posts, here's...
Howdy, like any measurement what are the parameters?How accurate and fast are the quick two. If you need extreme accuracy, put a voltage data logger across a precision...
Howdy - Several takes:> Joke'em if they can't take a "F"> Constructively it's a vote for online "gatherings" of any sort. When I went independent in '91, my...
Hi, Thanks, I've been in GitHub a couple times, not heard of Hackaday. At 66 YO, I sometimes have issues doing the tricks I know, let alone new ones. I wouldn't...
I built a "toy" that I thought I'd share. Standard rules: no build to sell or taking credit for others' work, etc.It's a simple settable circuit breaker using an...
Yup - Good Luck! We have an expression: 20 years ago casting metal was fun, now I just want the stinking crescent wrench! <<<)))
Hi, Regardless your code, look at the datasheet, this is a 3 stage register - S/R, Latch, 3S Buffer:1> present serial data at pin 14, clocked into/through...
Howdy, Yup, I stand corrected. Other than the "power pump" versions, both supplies are req'd on the Tx. I made the assumption integrated power pumpers were available...
Like the Hat in 1st Harry Potter: Hmmm where to start...You're using an open collector high voltage, high speed (F series) as line driver with a pullup at the far...
I'll suggest, on block mode exit, the difference in output is being resolved in 1 "servo" loop. There should be some constant that is the maximum change per loop....
Not just cellphones - it's Everywhere. "Bloatware" and "feature-creep" have expanded app sizes and speed demands progressively since (I think) the beginning. IIRC...
I'll suggest separating the power supply from the circuitry.Put it in an aluminum box as heat sink and seal it in.If the control circuitry builds any heat, do similar.Big...
It's whatever is the convergence point of the sensor cables. If I have 5 temperature sensors going to a multiplexer / ADC, the mux / ADC is the only ground for...
I'll suggest and have my betters verify/correct that shielding should be attached to ground Only at the system end. The shielding is not connected anywhere else....
I'll second Dilberto, power is the first place I'd look.Second, you're not giving the entire signal layout. Is photoRX I2C alone? How long are ALL the cables?...
At 700m (~3000') you're quite limited in speed, regardless the cable used. Also cost of cable will be high or a deal breaker. I like the ethernet conversion way,...
No, seen but never used a USB / laptop 'scope. But the 6022BE at <$60 on Amazon, if it works as reviewed it's a good starter unit.A colleague recently needed...
It's a Lot Easier to determine the carrier freq, buy the matching IR receiver and then learn each command pattern. A 555 drives an IR LED just fine, use reset to...
The timer is easy, depending on the range, a 555 feeding a high number of stage divider. The CD4020 & CD4040 are a couple I use. The high power switching is...
I'll answer the title question. Since it's a bus (multiple devices sharing signal lines) it's Much easier to function as a "wired OR" configuration. Wired OR has...
I've built several IR "substitutes" by finding carrier freq (o'scope), and buying an IR receiver (Sharp / Vishay etc). Program a micro to record the pattern, maybe...
I'll concur but add that a homebuilt controller gives insurance carriers an obvious scapegoat if something goes wrong. That it's a commercial / industrial property,...
1> Better collaboration / integration of hardware & your code. The sooner that happens, the better Everyone is. Since I do both, it's easy, but I've had to...
Hmmm, I seem to mem you can't include the CRC field in a CRC calculation - it's a circular issue. Just take the data to be protected, calc the CRC and append at...
NAK is an appropriate term: Negative Acknowledgement. It's sent when you heard what was sent, just didn't like what it said. Since the protocol is a bus, getting...
Let's start with what processor you're using. Then does it have a native SPI function and are you using it. I think the best way to learn a protocol is to write...
Hi, Silly me, how about finding another mfgr motor of same or similar size and start from their data. Then tinker with small changes to fine tune it. I've never...
Barring some compelling reason to "roll your own", I'd:Take power requirements: max voltage & current, motor build: hall sensored or not.> small power sensorless:...
I'll suggest "backing into" the best questions. Starting with 1> What's the largest project you've been involved in and what were your responsibilities? I'd then...
A very nice introduction to good coding practices. Especially appropriate for those starting out. Anyone who's been coding 20+ years probably does most of this already...
A simple hardware answer: Schottky diode isolate power of the SD card, CC3200 and any other circuitry in the path. Measure the current draw of that section. Estimate...
As a beginner, I'd stay with the simplest and most familiar. You can always up the complexity and functionality. The PIC would do fine to start and I'll say write...
I think I'd have the most fun with the ST25-TAG-BAG-E. RFID is a topic I'm curious about and this seems to be a starter pack. So, again Thanks!How do we complete...
Hi, THANKS, I never win stuff...Could you tell me what I won? If it's a development kit for IoT or somesuch, I'd request it be put back and a different person wins....
How about asking mfgr reps to sit in as guests. They get some air to hawk their wares, you get to steer the narrative to how their products fit into the embedded...
I'd start with an AC ammeter to verify I'm not exceeding ratings. I think you are and by a fair margin - ergo the heat. I suspect the loud buzzing is a lack of...
I'm with VadimB: if there isn't an inter-core comm, you'll have to make one. With separate chips I've used one pin to hit another that's set to interrupt - crude,...
Verbally describing this kind of stuff is tough. I'll reapproach, this presumes a fixed length data block:It can be done with separate buffers or all in one. I'll...
I'll agree with S-Light but with one tweak: instead of having one "use_next" location always used for next data storage address, one sector is used as a rolling...
I've been coding mostly assembler since '77 and haunt these type forums to teach fishing and glean some tips along the way. I'll 2nd both M65C02A and bamos: when...
Enter "ASCII" in Wikipedia - the nice chart in lower right of page 1 is Identical to a card I've had a Long Time. Everything you'll need for protocol commands are...
Couple things: You can compress the addresses into 1 byte - MSb is master, bits 6-0 are slave. Many protocols are possible, but 2 easy ones:Proto 1: master->slave1,...
I'm missing something -- a Stop Bit has No "value". It's the data end marker. Now if you mean a Parity Bit - that's easy: it is set (or not) to make the data an...
Human perception is in milliseconds, so you won't hit that easily. LCDs have 2 basic time constraints: commands and characters. I process character strings all at...
Interleaving DMA is tricky at best. That you want 3 channels of data input at the same time, I'll suggest a simple interrupt that moves all 3.DMA is single stream...
My code was for a customer's project and in Freescale (NXP) 68HC9S08 assembler, so not any help. For your task it's just convert to decimal then add back in those...
Howdy, can't call it efficient, but when I need decimal operations on a binary, I convert first. To add a percentage operation on a 16 bit I'd:> allocate &...
Off the top of my head:> Try to find an assembler book / guide for the processor you chose.> Get very familiar with whatever IDE (integrated development environment)...
Hmmm, this sounds like it's changing direction. The LSb is read/write* initially, so if it's changing the master and slave may both be waiting for the other. Anyway,...
Howdy, I'm old school -- I do this in assembler, for the fastest execution I can get.If you can get acceptable response in C code, good on.If not, I'll work with...
Howdy, full $00 - $ff is best, but just a single bit in each position will show a stuck line faster. G.H. <<<)))
Howdy, that's an assumption that may not be valid. Take a careful look at commands that work, I've had goofy coincidences like "everything that works had bit3 high".Your best...
Carefully reread the device protocol. IIRC, the addresses have to be masked in, bit set or just a set of constants. The problem looks like something is clearing...
The S series of record formats are intended to be a standard that any chip and any programmer can be compatably used. It's in ASCII text with a defined format so...
Signal timing pends who needs to get what at the same time (synchronous signals) as versed to event triggering sequences (asynchronous signals).You can have both...
Jim_255 is Spot On. I'm 65 w/40+ yrs in hard & software. There's No substitute for Time in the Saddle. Find projects you want, then what others want, then those...
Sorry, info missing.... Power supply volt setting? / Crystal using internal circuitry? / is power consumption an issue?3 sec in 24 hours is .0035%, check your...
If it ever works fine, the problem is going to be flow control and/or timing. I'd also try to get it to full duplex. But for big data block transfers, half duplex...
Distance is straightforward, many methods.Range and resolution will dictate method effectivity.Wide range may warrant multiple methods 3D space relative position...
1> if potting compound is hard / "chipable". If so, carefully expose the IC top for make / model.2> if potting compound is soft, gently heat and scrape off...
Hmmm, so the sensor issues pulses of N cycles of 6MHz? Totally different situ, warranting a demodulator for 1 pulse per burst.The whole "count pulses across time...
As to method: counting sensor pulses with a fixed interval for sample freq will work better than a free running counter with the sensor as sample freq. Unless your...
Hmmm, I suspect a commercially available comm stack would have issues of cost and customization, that's if you find any. I also think any solution will be it's...
Hmmm, I can appreciate ambition, but the scope of work and your experience level makes this a tall order. That said, here's how I'd go after it:>> First,...
Can't say how applicable: I've copied a block of flash to ram on power up, used ram for all uptime. At power down, a "fair" sized capacitor gives the uC time to...
I can't add much to what's here, all Very well expressed. So, I'll throw a bone from the opposite end.Cheap precise medium range (5-40VDC) voltage measurement. Voltage...
Howdy, no "yellow" water fight here, I come from a time when compilers frequently got in the way of efficient code. This is no longer true, but habits persist. The...
Howdy, Sorry but any compiler has to make assumptions about what registers to save on interrupts & subroutine calls (amongst other stuff). In assembler I don't....
Howdy, and Welcome Back to my favorite form of lunacy!I'm old school: I can write C, but prefer projects small and terse enough to do in assembler. Cut my teeth...
Ok, Geezer spouts old school: Real benchmarks are best done within the code you wrote. I use a simple bit/line toggling of/between locations I need metrics on....
Howdy, Been here done this: A> I can see doing the sleep/wakeup cycle, since sleep is So much lower power.B> Using a capacitor as a reservoir has saved me...
Howdy, I came up through developing Z80 w/OTP PROM. Expensive, and made jumping to Freescale w/flash worth the learning curve. Ok, here's my take:Dynamic RAM:...
Howdy, I'd pick from the pool of well featured mass produced boards: Rasp Pi, Arduino, etc. To roll your own with the WiFi aspect alone is stupid, this wheel is...
Howdy, most flash and sensors I deal with are I2C or SPI. So, if this is the case, this'll sound more complicated, but it's a tradeoff: likely your uC doesn't have...
Howdy, nooby here, but been coding Z80 since '78, 9(S)08 since '99.Any colleagues out there? I've got a fair sized code base I'm willing to share."Enlightened self...
Big YUP on decoupling. I'm a fan of separate voltage regulators to Really decouple branches. This is more $, but you can start there and see which branches are more...
Ahh, a person of my era: Genesis, Supertramp and Pink Floyd got me through Engineering school at MSU. Thanks for adding the link, I'm only now getting into webpage...
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