Imagine Conference

ARINC653 OpenSource suggestions

Started by JoseDAssisCordeiro 8 years ago8 replieslatest reply 8 years ago410 views
Hi everyone,

Me and my group are developing the ARINC653 protocol this semester in OpenSource.
The idea is to have independent partitions than can run OS, applications or other things, in well defined and restricted amounts of memory, completely independent of each others in the same platform. If one crashes it won't affect the other partitions. This was first created 10 years ago for airplanes, we are trying to adapt this to other industries. We developed the OS and the memory and time partitions already, now we are looking for different points of view about the subject, what is worth it or not to explore about the different possibilities in the future using this.
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Reply by gillhern321December 22, 2016

Jose,   could you explain the major difference between ARINC653 and a fault tolerant OS distributed across multiple blades on a blade server configuration? The fault tolerant, fault redundant servers actually have two OS's running at the same time with multi-processing being done across 10-20 blades. So when one OS fails the failover defaults to the secondary processor and within 32ms the processing continues same stack same interrupts. We were doing this 23 years ago at Bell Labs with the 5ESS and AMPS/PCS switching platforms, they are still in use today across all of north america they are still the core of our communications infrastructure.

Your question is, is it worth it. When you look at the processing power today versus then,  and I think this is something more then worth it to all of us doing coding or developing hardware. And the potential impact to distributed processing in our home is a powerful thing to have available.  OPENSOURCE     OHHHH YAAAAAA. LOL

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Reply by JoseDAssisCordeiroDecember 22, 2016

Hey! Not sure if is that. We only have one main OS, that runs different partitions, which can contain independent processes, multi threads or single threads that have fixed amount of memory and processor available. If one crashes doesn't affect the others, it can shut it down or restart (up to the programmer), but all the rest keeps running normally. When the context switching happens the whole environment is "saved" and return to the same stage when the processor is given to that partition again.

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Reply by Tim WescottDecember 22, 2016

Having worked in industry designing software as well as doing systems architecture, I'm very cynical about anyone having an up-front commitment to software safety.

Having said that, I could see such a thing being an asset in any sort of system where I wanted to partition a design by criticality levels, but keep it all on the same processor.  I've always done that by putting the critical stuff on separate processors, possibly on the end of a long wire from the box with the bells and whistles -- but that was in a system that naturally called for that partition anyway.  If you were just bound and determined to put everything on to one processor, and you had a mix of jobs between things that would cost $1M if the software failed and things that you wanted to let sales engineers play with, then I could see value in that.

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Reply by Tim WescottDecember 22, 2016

Doesn't this demand a processor with an MMU, and either put restrictions on who gets to write ISRs, or put demands on the processor for letting ISRs be interruptable when a new time slot comes up?

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Reply by JoseDAssisCordeiroDecember 22, 2016

We are using a MPU with 8 well defined areas for each partition.

Yes, everytime the processor changes the context, the interrupts will change to the partition in case. It has to due with the priorities.
The whole context switch completely when we go to a new partition or back to the kernel.

Not sure if I answered your question.

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Reply by Tim WescottDecember 22, 2016

So, if I have an interrupt that's attached to some piece of hardware that only matters to my most critical task, then the most dumb-ass task might service the interrupt?

That doesn't seem right.

I would think that you'd either want a separate interrupt-handling context (operating at the highest level of safety), or that you'd want to disable any interrupts that aren't "owned" by the current context.  I see problems with both of these -- what does the ARINC standard say you should do?

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Reply by Tim WescottDecember 22, 2016

Another thought:

Anyone who wants to use this is going to be interested in safety.  They may well want the software quality to be traceable back to some standard, like DO-178, or whatever that IEC standard is for medical software.  Developing software to meet these standards is far more work than just whipping out any old thing -- the estimate that I was given, a long long time ago (with head-nodding from everyone who had been there) is that each time you go up a level of criticality under DO-178, the software development gets 7 times more costly.  Level E is "software quality doesn't matter"; level A is "smoking hole in the ground, with bodies and TV reporters".  Designing software and certifying it for level A costs about 2500 times as much as doing so for level E.

So, in your market research, you may want to ask if anyone is going to buy it if it's just the typical "thrown together" quality of most desktop & phone apps.

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Reply by denisobrezkovDecember 22, 2016
What do you think about RTEMS? They are also very interested in developing ARINC 653 interface

for their RTOS?

I think, that such systems are of course not  for using on top of a real aircraft hardware, but they might be used for prototyping.

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