Memfault Beyond the Launch

An open source debugging/calibration tool I've been working on

Started by pylessard 10 months ago2 replieslatest reply 10 months ago150 views

Hi all,

I've been working on a software in my free time for the past 2 years. It's a debugging / calibration tool for embedded systems. It's meant to monitor the memory by instrumentation and also add a software scope in the device to catch temporal snapshot of variables on specific events.

It's not out yet, but it is getting in a "showable state". I got a demo website ready last week, so I thought I'd share here.  Have a look at the introduction page.


Feel free to ask questions or try it out. I'd like to increase the community size to a number bigger than 1 :)

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Reply by traxhillJune 27, 2023

That looks great at first glance! Great job! 
I’m using an iSystem debugger in my daily job, but I’m always open to explore other, cheaper ways for private use

Memfault Beyond the Launch