

Started by rohankanitkar 7 years ago5 replieslatest reply 7 years ago376 views

I am using Windows 7 64 bit and MCUXpresso IDE v10.1.0 [Build 589] [2017-11-14]

When I try to program my ic by using Link server GUI flash programmer it give me following error:

Connect to target LPC 1769:
No compatible probes available. They may be disabled, disconnected, not powered, already in use or not compatible with this target.

I tried changing ports and even computers. But in vain.

Kindly advice. I am stuck.

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Reply by DNadlerDecember 12, 2017

What *exactly* is the board you are trying to connect to?

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Reply by rohankanitkarDecember 12, 2017
I have LPC xpresso 1769 with CM SIS-DAP REV-D board with a mini usb connector and a normal USB cable.

I am trying to program it using the MCUXpresso IDE v10.1.0 [Build 589] [2017-11-14] on a windows 7 64bit PC

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Reply by BVRameshDecember 12, 2017

What is the flash programmer you are using? (ex Segger JLink, CoCox Realview).

Have you included the programmer in the Tool?

Has the IDE recognized the programmer during Initialization? (some programmers are not recognized during initialization, but once you invoke the programmer it initialize and establishes the link.

Which port are you using for programming? (ex JTAG, SWD, RS232 (ISP)) It depends on the programmer configuration in the tool, like Segger JLink support JTAG & SWD on same port but uses different connectors.

If you are using ISP programmer there is a requirement of shorting ISP pin of controller to ground and issue the reset and then remove the grounding. Most of the programmers uses UART's RTS or DTR lie to do this job, but if the end connector does not support this you may have to don this manually.

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Reply by rohankanitkarDecember 12, 2017
I have LPC xpresso 1769 with CM SIS-DAP REV-D board with a mini usb connector and a normal USB cable.I am trying to program it using the MCUXpresso IDE v10.1.0 [Build 589] [2017-11-14] on a windows 7 64bit PC
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Reply by BVRameshDecember 12, 2017

According to Manufacturer, the debugger works when it is stand alone, but stops working when it is mounted on the base board. 

Please try to program it without mounting on the base board.

In board Please try out after removing R57, a zero ohm resistor. In this case it should work even when mounted on the base board.

If it is not working with above methods, you may have to flash the updated debugger firmware for LPC11U35FHI controller.

There is a product note available in embedded artists website: https://www.embeddedartists.com/sites/default/file...

All details are given in the product note.

All the best.