
Dennis Jump (@dnj)

Hardware and software designer of asset tracking devices, reverse engineering of abandoned projects and solver of "you can't do that" problems.

Re: Help stop the Arduino compiler outwitting me

Reply posted 12 months ago (08/01/2023)
A couple of things came to mind.First: In the inner loop, with no testing at any test iteration, there are fewer "if" comparisons for the first test type to make...

Re: USB communication

Reply posted 1 year ago (06/06/2023)
I was thinking about how much it would cost to build a usb <--> CAN adapter. For $15 in parts, board and assembly, it wouldn't be bad when compared with the...

Re: How to build a network of tiny micros?

Reply posted 2 years ago (02/08/2022)
This is essentially how the long strings of individually programmed RGB LEDs work. Great way to do this. I was able to get a string to follow music even with hundreds...

Re: Questions re Coding Efficiency

Reply posted 3 years ago (03/30/2021)
If you are asking about the "if" statement evaluating left to right in an single expression, you are correct. You can check the validity of a pointer (in C, for...

Re: Communication protocol suggestions

Reply posted 3 years ago (03/22/2021)
Have you given I2C any thought. This network is somewhat like SPI. I haven't used SPI lately, but I can't help but think that it involves setting Chip Select signals...

Re: Recommendation for BLE MCU with good software API

Reply posted 3 years ago (02/08/2021)
Over the years, I have tried several BLE modules and chips. For quick and simple implementation, I recommend Cypress.The first thing I would do is to purchase the...

Re: So, You Want to be an Engineering Manager?

Reply posted 4 years ago (10/04/2020)
"Oh, I wish I were a manager of software,That is what I truly want to be,'cause if I were a manager of software,Everyone would be in love with me!"

Re: How to Get and Keep a Job

Reply posted 4 years ago (09/25/2020)
I wrote my first program in 1967, so I think that I've seen a lot of things and met a lot of people.Advice to the new "whiz kid" graduate at their first job.Don't...

Re: Do I need this mask and cast?

Reply posted 4 years ago (07/07/2020)
Precisely. "If the optimizer doesn't fix it up, you can take any additional execution time out of my vacation."

Re: Software Bugs

Reply posted 4 years ago (05/27/2020)
If you are programming anything more complicated than an 8051 (or a processor of similar capabilities), stick with compiled languages. I have written systems in...
I can respond to half of your questions. The last time that I needed to use a touchscreen was 20 years ago and everything was roll-your-own drivers and react to...

Re: STM MCU for GPS Tracker

Reply posted 4 years ago (04/20/2020)
A couple of things to consider.If you plan to simply repeat nmea gps sentences through the Lora, s simple 8 bit processor may work if you find one with enough RAM...

Re: strcmp help please

Reply posted 4 years ago (04/08/2020)
I didn't mean to confuse, but, yes, you need two buffers with front and rear indices for both. I would have written more than anyone would want to read (or I wanted...

Re: strcmp help please

Reply posted 4 years ago (04/07/2020)
I see what you mean. I also notice that you are incrementing the pTx pointer as you send.Here is how I handle serial interrupts.I build a circular buffer with an...

Re: strcmp help please

Reply posted 4 years ago (04/07/2020)
I took at quick glance at your code and I noticed something missing.strcmp will compare characters to the end of the string which is marked with a nul 0x00 character....
Sorry, I don't use Keil, so I can't speak to that.I use the STM32CubeIDE and that was the source of the erroneous load file.But, having a working example is a great...
My experience is not with this particular processor, so this is speculation.I have been using the STM32WB55 dual core processor both on the eval boards and a project. When...

Re: Circular buffers

Reply posted 5 years ago (02/05/2019)
Right. My explanation is for the general. I can't count the number of times that I have implemented a circular buffer for serial communications and other mechanisms....

Re: Circular buffers

Reply posted 5 years ago (02/04/2019)
I am of the mind that I can either write out everything and you won't really learn what is happening or I can steer you in the right direction and let you figure...

Re: Low level programming

Reply posted 6 years ago (12/03/2018)
I would hardily agree with QL on preparation. Diving into bare metal programming takes some baby steps to prevent drowning in the deep end of the pool.There was...

Re: RTOS vs Bare-Metal

Reply posted 6 years ago (04/30/2018)
Trust and control. Those are the compelling reasons for "programming at the bare metal" - which is a phrase that I first heard in the early 1980s. At that time,...
IMHO, re-inventing the wheel is not always a bad thing.I will go with Dr Richard Feynman: "What I cannot create, I do not understand."I started in the era of compiler...

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