Dennis Jump (@dnj)
A couple of things came to mind.First: In the inner loop, with no testing at any test iteration, there are fewer "if" comparisons for the first test type to make...
I was thinking about how much it would cost to build a usb <--> CAN adapter. For $15 in parts, board and assembly, it wouldn't be bad when compared with the...
This is essentially how the long strings of individually programmed RGB LEDs work. Great way to do this. I was able to get a string to follow music even with hundreds...
If you are asking about the "if" statement evaluating left to right in an single expression, you are correct. You can check the validity of a pointer (in C, for...
Have you given I2C any thought. This network is somewhat like SPI. I haven't used SPI lately, but I can't help but think that it involves setting Chip Select signals...
Over the years, I have tried several BLE modules and chips. For quick and simple implementation, I recommend Cypress.The first thing I would do is to purchase the...
"Oh, I wish I were a manager of software,That is what I truly want to be,'cause if I were a manager of software,Everyone would be in love with me!"
I wrote my first program in 1967, so I think that I've seen a lot of things and met a lot of people.Advice to the new "whiz kid" graduate at their first job.Don't...
Precisely. "If the optimizer doesn't fix it up, you can take any additional execution time out of my vacation."
If you are programming anything more complicated than an 8051 (or a processor of similar capabilities), stick with compiled languages. I have written systems in...
I can respond to half of your questions. The last time that I needed to use a touchscreen was 20 years ago and everything was roll-your-own drivers and react to...
A couple of things to consider.If you plan to simply repeat nmea gps sentences through the Lora, s simple 8 bit processor may work if you find one with enough RAM...
I didn't mean to confuse, but, yes, you need two buffers with front and rear indices for both. I would have written more than anyone would want to read (or I wanted...
I see what you mean. I also notice that you are incrementing the pTx pointer as you send.Here is how I handle serial interrupts.I build a circular buffer with an...
I took at quick glance at your code and I noticed something missing.strcmp will compare characters to the end of the string which is marked with a nul 0x00 character....
Sorry, I don't use Keil, so I can't speak to that.I use the STM32CubeIDE and that was the source of the erroneous load file.But, having a working example is a great...
My experience is not with this particular processor, so this is speculation.I have been using the STM32WB55 dual core processor both on the eval boards and a project. When...
Right. My explanation is for the general. I can't count the number of times that I have implemented a circular buffer for serial communications and other mechanisms....
I am of the mind that I can either write out everything and you won't really learn what is happening or I can steer you in the right direction and let you figure...
I would hardily agree with QL on preparation. Diving into bare metal programming takes some baby steps to prevent drowning in the deep end of the pool.There was...
Trust and control. Those are the compelling reasons for "programming at the bare metal" - which is a phrase that I first heard in the early 1980s. At that time,...
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