Imagine Conference

Welcoming MANY New Bloggers!

Stephane BoucherOctober 27, 20153 comments

The response to the latest call for bloggers has been amazing and I am very grateful.

In this post I present to you the individuals who, so far (I am still receiving applications at an impressive rate and will update this page as more bloggers are added),  have been given access to the blogging interface.  I am very pleased with the positive response and I think the near future will see the publication of many great articles, given the quality of the contributors.

It would be fantastic if you, the readers of the *related sites, would take a minute to give some feedback to the bloggers when they publish an article that you like.  The comment system is easy to use and is located at the bottom of every blog post.  I know it is an effort, in this day and age of online skimming, but I know by experience that your positive feedback is probably the best way to encourage the bloggers to give you more.  There must be a quote by some guru somewhere that says that being grateful for something attracts more of it?  Maybe not - but it seems to make sense?

If you have applied to be added to the blogging team but haven't heard back from me, it might be because:

  • your message never reached me (try again please!)
  • your message was something like 'Yes I want to blog' (or similar) with nothing more in it.  I need to know at least a little about your qualifications and what you intend to write about before I can give you access to the blogging interface.  
  • your message was written with very broken english.  My first language is french and I understand how hard it can be to learn a second language; I am not judging you at all!  But the *related sites 'official' language is english for maximum exposure and I need the bloggers to be able to write in understandable english.  If your short message to me had 10 grammatical errors in it, that might explain why you didn't hear back from me.  

In any event, although the list of new bloggers is impressive, there is always room on the *related sites for more talented writers.  Get in touch if you are interested.

Without further ado, here is the list (only the NEW bloggers are listed):

Kenny Umenthum

I am a senior in ECE and CS at UIUC. I do digital circuit design. I do algorithms. I especially do algorithms for digital circuit design.

Michael Wirtzfeld

I am currently a PhD candidate at McMaster University. My research focuses on predicting speech intelligibility and speech quality using an auditory periphery model and measures of simulated auditory nerve response.

Mahadevan Srinivasan

My experience is mainly in embedded programming, signal processing and machine learning. I have a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Penn State. And I have been working in the telecommunication industry for the past 6 years. To find more about my projects, you can visit my website @ http://theshybulb.com/ or my Github page @ https://github.com/MahadevanSrinivasan

Vivek Sankaravadivel

I have about 7 years of experience in developing GNSS receivers for automotive, avionics, & consumer applications. I have a MS(EE) degree from USC, CA.

Leandro Stefanazzi

Leandro Stefanazzi is an Electronic Engineer with background in Digital Signal Processing theory and design. He obtained his Engineer, Master and PhD from Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina. He has participated in architecture, desing and FPGA/ASIC/DSP implementation of signal processing architectures

Mike Rosing

I love math and physics, learned DSP and embedded systems to do math and physics, and found FPGA's a hell of a lot of fun. I graduated in 1982 with a PhD in nuclear engineering and have been programming in assembler and C ever since.

Mamoon Rashid

I completed my undergrad in electrical engineering and for the past three years I have been working as a software engineer for MDA, which is a global communications and information company. My specialization is in signal processing with applications in remote sensing. I have also been simultaneously working on my masters, and my thesis is on cramer-rao bounds for multi-channel space-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Other interests include optimization, compressive sensing, and bio-medical signal processing.

Govind Mukundan

Depending on when I'm sampled, I can be a code monkey, a keen student of nothing in particular, a firmware engineer or a wannabe mad scientist.

Kay Gemba

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Marine Physical Laboratory at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (located at UCSD). My research is in underwater acoustics and I am interested in detection and inversion applications.

Sai Yamanoor

I am a Mechatronics Engineer by education and I work in a school where I build things that enhance the classroom experience. I pursue DIY electronics as a hobby/living. I once published a book on DIY projects using the Raspberry Pi and I publish another blog here.

Amit Karna

I'm a hardware design engineer graduated from NIT Warangal, India. I have designed embedded boards with Microprocessors, DSP, FPGA, Gigabit Ethernet, DDR3 memories, power supplies and more with upto 16 layer PCB. My current interest is in power supply design.

Vikash Sharma

I am an electronics engineer working in the field of embedded systems development. I have a great passion for teaching, learning new things and sharing my knowledge. I have taught students from school level to engineering undergrads.

Duane Benson

Duane's involvement in the hardware and software design world goes back to the days of the CDP1802 and Z80 up through current microcontrollers such as PIC, ARM, and Atmega. After hours, he designs microcontroller and motor control boards for small robots, and Arduino-based devices. In his day job, he has been dishing out PCB layout and DFM advice via the Screaming Circuits blog since 2006. He is also a contributor to industry technical publications and conferences

Mel Cortez

My name is Mel. I've been an electronics hobbyist for almost 9 years. I have a degree in Electronics Engineering with a background on analog circuit design, microcontrollers, embedded systems and programming. I'm currently teaching myself Digital Signal Processing with a motivation to apply them to embedded systems for control.

Geoff Ross

Former telecom engineer with 7 years experience in DSP based software and hardware projects. My consultations include: - assistance in mathematical research for specific DSP algorithm design. - have computer and hardware lab available for DSP signal analysis and application card design test bed set-up. - technical document reviewing and preparation. - am able to work at the DSP hardware (electronic) level.

Matt McDonald

I'm an applied mathematician working somewhere in the gray area between research, development and application of novel sensor technologies, signal processing, data analysis and interpretation. My current interests include non-stationary signal processing, wave propagation, geophysics and imaging.

Allen Downey

I am a professor at Olin College in Needham, MA, author of several books, including Think Bayes and Think DSP, and I write a blog called "Probably Overthinking It".

Pawel Kamoda

10+ years in embedded system design (hardware and software) In-depth knowledge of ARM, GSM, GPS, RTOS, sensors, automotive.

Jaime Aranguren

Senior Engineer with vast experience in Embedded Systems, Digital Signal Processing and Programmable Logic. Application areas of expertise include Audio Signal Processing, Smart Grid and IoT communications technologies, such as Power Line Communications and Low Power Wireless -from PHY layers up to Application layers-, as well as in automotive field, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Extensive experience working in and leading international, multicultural, high performance teams. Always looking for new opportunities!

Keith Newlander

Experience developing and designing FPGA and Power Systems for Space Flight Electronics. Have worked throughout the industry in embedded electronics for quick turn prototypes using the intel galileo, rabbit microcontrollers, ardunio, and custom board designs. Always interested in learning new technologies.

Mike Hilgendorf

Mike is currently a senior Audio Engineering major at the University of Miami's College of Engineering. His experience is in audio electronics and signal processing, specifically in audio effect and synthesizer plugins for professional audio, as well as image processing including recognition and enhancement. Current areas of interest are digital and hybrid modules for eurorack and software synths.

John McInnes

PhD Candidate at the University of Bristol after working in the defence industry for 5 years. Experience in Matlab simulation, FPGA implementation and most bits inbetween.

Alexandre de Siqueira

Alexandre Fioravante de Siqueira is a Mathematician, doctor in Materials Science and Technology, and a free software enthusiast. Alex works with signal and image processing using Fourier and Wavelet transforms since 2005. Author of "Programação Científica com GNU Octave" ("Scientific Programming with GNU Octave"), he owns and writes at Programando Ciência.

Harsha kiran Kasha Jagadish

I am a software engineer who is very passionate about Embedded systems and Digital signal processing. I have done my Masters in Electrical Engineering with specialization in array signal processing and sound localization. I enjoy teaching and making small projects on Beagle bone and Raspberry pi

Michael J. Pont

Michael has been working in the area of “Time Triggered” (TT) embedded systems for more than 20 years. Most of his current work is on safety-related systems (including industrial and automotive designs) that are developed in compliance with international safety standards.

Tomas Sadilek

Tomas has 8 years of experience designing and controlling power electronics circuits and motor drives. He works at the same place where the light bulb was invented.

Tapas Pandey

I am an electronics enthusiast, who loves to tinker around with op-amps. Somewhat expert in analog design. I have great passion for explaining daunting concepts in easy to digest form.

Agustin Bonelli

Electronic Engineer with a deep interest in Digital signal processing Theory and applications. Real time implementation of dsp systems for Audio, Video, telecommunications and everything multimedia or signal related. Also very interested in Analog Circuit design (especially for Audio such as Power Amplifier, dynamic range control, etc)

Dan Harres

Dan Harres is the founder of Bitstream Technology, a company dedicated to developing health and education electronics. He is the author of the book, MSP430-Based Robot Applications, published in 2012 by Elsevier-Newnes. Prior to starting his own company, he was a Technical Fellow at Boeing Corporation, where he was responsible for the design of fiber optic networks on a number of aircraft as well as a designer of satellite electronics. He is a past chairman for the IEEE Avionics, Fiber Optics, and Photonics Conference and has written numerous technical articles.

Jason D Bakos

I am an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Carolina. My research interests involve computer architecture at the circuit-level, microarchitectural-level, and system-level. This includes VLSI design, design automation, interconnects, heterogeneous and reconfigurable computing, and high-performance computing. I received my Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Pittsburgh in August 2005.


I am a Techie interested in the field of Implementing Signal Processing and Communication algorithms on DSP/FPGAs using embedded system software development methodologies.

Nash Reilly

Let's make some cool stuff. Also available at www.cushychicken.github.io.

Tingting Hu

Tingting Hu holds a PhD degree in Control and Computer engineering, from Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy. Since 2010, she has been a research fellow with the National Research Council of Italy (CNR)-IEIIT. Her main research interests are the design and implementation of real-time operating systems and communication protocols. A significant amount of her research activities are carried out in strict collaboration with industry. She has been an IEEE member since 2011 and serves as technical referee for several primary conferences in her research area.

Reza Ameli

Since my adolescence I was fascinated by radio telecommunications and the interest in making "my own FM transmitter" brought me into the world of electrical engineering. After finishing me MSc in EE I started working as a FPGA designer with focus on DSP for digital communications.

Shres L

Electronics Engineer by choice. Love working with code and hardware.

Mehrdad Yazdani

I am a research scientist and specialize in scientific computing as it relates to Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. Currently I am at the Qualcomm Institute at UC San Diego working with Larry Smarr and Lev Manovich on anything Big Data: from the human gut Microbiome to millions of Instagram and Twitter images. I am also a Data Scientist at the Open Medicine Institute in Mountain View, California analyzing numerous healthcare related datasets.

Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti

Ivan has been a Researcher with the National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (CNR-IEIIT), since 1996 and has been adjunct professor of real-time operating systems at Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, for a decade. He has coauthored two books on real-time operating systems and embedded software development, and serves as a Technical Referee for primary international conferences and journals. His research interests include real-time operating system design and implementation, industrial communication systems and protocols, and formal methods for vulnerability and dependability analysis of distributed systems.

Magnus Vallestad

Currently writing my master degree for the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment at the University of Oslo. My field of focus is Digital Signal Processing or more specifically imaging.

Peter C.

[Systems Engineer & Linux Consultant] Electronics and Programming are my passion. I am looking to bridge the divide between analog and digital electronics through the use of embedded programming. I am working towards creating solutions that will ease the stresses and burdens in people's daily life.

Ed Nutter

I am an electronics enthusiast. I started out with RC vehicles and got an A.S.E.E.T. I was away for awhile working with computers, until I found a Basic Stamp marked down at Radio Shack. My interests are wide-spread, but tend to focus on the use of electronics in Search and Rescue, Security, and Disaster Prep. I am currently researching autonomous vehicles.

Tuomas Puoliväli

I study mathematical information technology at the University of Jyväskylä. My interests include basic and clinical neuroscience, machine learning, and multivariate signal processing such as blind source separation.


Mani is an Electronics student and hobbyist having perennial interest towards learning and doing technical stuffs (mostly related to Embedded Systems). You can reach him by the following social channels.

Imagine Conference
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Comment by bbhattacOctober 27, 2015
Congratulations Stephane. This is great. Looking forward to a lot of fun.
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Comment by fpgaplayerNovember 1, 2015
As a consultant I have worked for Ericsson, Intel, Rohde & Schwarz and so on, now my direction are stochastic processes and 5G research. I feel it's not convenient for insert picture in one blog, I suppose it's better that can insert the image directly in the blog except find another image host.
[ - ]
Comment by stephanebNovember 1, 2015
It is much easier now to insert pictures than it used to be - as simple as a drag and drop in the editor.

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