We are looking for speakers & topic recommendations for the upcoming Embedded Online Conference
Started by 4 years ago●2 replies●latest reply 4 years ago●78 viewsIn our quest to make the Embedded Online Conference ever more interesting and insightful for Embedded Systems developers, we are reaching out to ask the EmbeddedRelated community for speakers and topic suggestions. We have room for a few more talks & hands-on workshops and would love to read your ideas.
Thanks a lot!
Howdy, while it may be a bit mundane, I've developed a fair expertise in debouncing switching contacts. Hardware is Ok but software is controllable. If that's a topic folks are interested in I'd prep a tour of what / why methods do / don't work.
If interested, I'd need parms of how best to convey said info. I'd also need a heads up on lead time to write it.
I suspect Many members will critique what I'll espouse, but that's how to distill best of any info.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Now to the issue posed: do you want me to "sculpt" a lecture on debouncing ? Hardware issues are easy, software ones are more fun. I've got one that's simple, adjustable, and utterly robust. Took me 20+ years to see it this way. What say you ? <<<)))