rootfs image creation using mkyaffs2image tool

Dear all,
For past few days I am trying to create a Root file system for my Embedded Linux Board using the Busybox and for that purpose I want to use the mkyaffs2image tool since the rootfs image which I have got from the vendor for my board is of the yaffs2 format.
But I am facing few hurdles in this way , being the first one is that I am unable to find the mkyaffs2image tool for my Operating System Ubuntu. So I want help from you guys to direct me to the right site where I can find this tool for my operating system.
and the second problem is that I don't know the steps for creating the rootfs image using the mkyaffs2image tool.
The vendor has no steps in the document.
The NAND flash size is 128M.
Hope you guys surely have done lot of work in this direction and will provide me support in this regard.

First I would like to encourage you to read more about creating your own custom versions of your kernel link 1. And the reason for that is because you only have 128M of NAND flash of space and therefore you need a minimal version of your kernel.
Second step is to read about the Ubuntu core. The Ubuntu core is a minimal collections of applications to have ubuntu running on your device.
I hope it helps and good luck.
Best wishes,

Dear Pedro,
I am using at91sam9261 based development board and the linux kernel image has been provided by the vendor, all I want is to build the rootfs image for my development board based on the busybox in order to accomodate few more tools to my system.
I have also compiled linux kernel from source provided by the vendor.
So I want to know why is it necessary to read the above two links

steps for creating rootfs using mkyaffs2image:

Dear fabatera,
Thanks for sharing the link , but as far as second link is concerned I am unable to get its point of building the rootfs from mkyaffs2image , I mean it is full of broken statements which does not make any sense.
So can you please provide me some other links which has proper description of steps.

Hi psquare,
Try this website link. The previous links that I have sent you allows you to configure linux for any embedded device.
Best wishes,

Dear Pedro,
I know this link , infact this was the very first link which I tried for my development board.
But it does not provide the method of creation of the rootfs.yaffs2 from the mkyaffs2image tool.

Dear psquare,
Instead of arguing you cold perhaps try to do some brain storming. One of the big advantages of using ubuntu core is that the rootfs is already in place. Preparing the rootfs can be a very complex task because many things can go wrong specially if the right permissions are not used link. But never mind because by reading the previous posts I got the impression that you know all of this already.
Good luck.

yeah you are right , I am trying at my end but I asked to this forum so that I get more options which I might have missed.
and yes u are right I have checked all those above links which you have posted