Fabien Le Mentec (@texane)
Metal detection: building the detector
IntroductionBefore starting, you may want to read this post describing the BFO stage://www.embeddedrelated.com/showarticle/911.php
I have detailed the implementation of a BFO stage for detecting metal. Now it has been validated on the bench, the next step is to integrate it in a stand alone instrument for testing on the field. A few things have to be done to reach this goal:
- make a PCB for the electronics,
- house the PCB in a box,
- add a power supply,
- make a frame to hold...
Metal detection: beat frequency oscillator
Plan Introduction Theory Electronics Software Tests ReferencesNext part: building the detector 1. IntroductionThis article discusses the implementation of a beat frequency oscillator (BFO) stage for metal detector. While they are mentioned here and there, the article does not detail other important electronic stages such as the power supply, and user interface, the coil or the detector frame. I may write other articles on these topics, and other detection methods.Before...
An absolute position encoder VHDL core
In this article, Fabien Le Mentec explains how to implement a unique VHDL core addressing absolute position encoder interfaces. He reviews existing instruments in use or being developed and considers their specific requirements. He also looks for details in current implementations and considers the projects to come so that the implementation can be designed to be extensible. The VHDL core dubbed absenc features both ENDAT, BISS and SSI interface. Due to its architecture, new interfaces are easily added. Also, the 3 interfaces can be enabled at synthesis while 1 is selected at runtime. As much as possible, resources common to the different interfaces are shared (counters, comparators…).
Handling latency in data acquisition systems
In recent projects, I found myself working with data acquisition systems. For instance: PCIe/10GbE readouts for 2D XRay detectors (RASHPA slides, RASHPA paper) instruments mixing 1D signal acquisition and triggering, microcontroller based system for audio transmission: (NRF spearker)
Improving the Reload2 active load
IntroductionWith another colleague at work, we are currently developing an electronic board that will eventually be powered over Ethernet. To gain more experience with this technology, we prototyped a standalone power supply stage.
We want to test this stage with different load profiles. While we already have professional grade active loads at work, I had previously read about the Reload2 product from Arachnidlabs, a low cost active load sold on Hackaday:
OOKLONE: a cheap RF 433.92MHz OOK frame cloner
IntroductionA few weeks ago, I bought a set of cheap wireless outlets and reimplemented the protocol for further inclusion in a domotics platform. I wrote a post about it here:
Following that, I had access to another outlet from a different vendor:
The device documentation mentions that it operates on the same frequency as the previous...
Reverse engineering wireless wall outlets
IntroductionI am improving the domotics framework that I described in a previous article://www.embeddedrelated.com/showarticle/605.php
I want to support wireless wall outlets, allowing me to switch devices power from a remote location over HTTP.
To do so, I could design my own wireless wall outlets and use a hardware similar to the previous one, based on the NRF905 chipset. The problem is that such a product would not be certified, and that would be an issue regarding the home insurance,...
A wireless door monitor based on the BANO framework
IntroductionI have been thinking for a while about a system to monitor the states of my flat and my garage doors from a remote place. Functionnaly, I wanted to monitor the state of my doors from a remote place. A typical situation is when I leave for holidays, but it can also be useful from the work office. To do so, I would centralize the information on a server connected on the Internet that I could query using a web browser. The server itself would be located in the appartement, where...
Using the C language to program the am335x PRU
IntroductionSome weeks ago, I published an article on how we used the PRU to implement a power supply control loop having hard realtime constraints:
Writing this kind of logic in assembly language is not easy. First the assembly language itself may be difficult to learn depending on your background. Then, fixed and floating point arithmetics require lot of code. While macros help to handle the complexity, they still are error prone as you...
Using the Beaglebone PRU to achieve realtime at low cost
IntroductionI work as an engineer in a synchrotron facility. A few weeks ago, I helped the people in charge of the power supply developments to integrate a realtime control algorithm on a prototype platform: a BeagleBone Black (BBB) running Linux. I had already worked with this board in the past, and I found it very interesting given its excellent resources versus price ratio (around 40 euros). This time, I was impressed by its realtime capabilities. I thought it would be a good idea to...
Using a RTLSDR dongle to validate NRF905 configuration
I am currently working on a system to monitor the garage door status from my flat. Both places are 7 floors apart, and I need to send the data wirelessly. I chose to operate on the 433MHz carrier, and I ordered 2 PTR8000 modules: http://www.electrodragon.com/w/NRF905_Transceiver_433MHz-Wireless_ModuleThe PTR8000 is based on the dual band sub 1GHz NRF905 chipset from NORDICSEMI: http://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/Products/Sub-1-GHz-RF/nRF905I...Introducing the VPCIe framework
IntroductionMy daily work involves platforms featuring an embedded CPU communcating with a FPGA device over a PCI Express link (PCIe for short). The main purpose of this link is for the CPU to convey configuration, control, and status commands to hardware slaves implemented in the FPGA. For data intensive applications (2D XRay detector readout backend), this link can also be used as a DMA channel to transfer data from the FPGA to the CPU memory. Finally, a slave can interrupt the CPU using...
[ C Programming Techniques: integer type optimization ]
I am currently working on a voltage controller running on a ATMEGA328P, ATMEL AVR 8 bits microcontroller. The controller logic is implemented in the main() routine and relies on a periodical timer whose frequency is fixed at application setup. Among other things, the timer ISR handler increments some per tick counters which are then used by the main routine to implement the voltage controller timing logic.By looking at the code, one noticed that I use the uint8_t type for counters instead of...
Interfacing LINUX with microcontrollers
IntroductionI am increasingly asked to work on small spare time projects where a user needs to control some device over the INTERNET. Recently, a friend needed to control heater relays and measure the temperature of its geographically distant secondary house. Another case relates to the control of a pan tilt home monitoring camera. A last one is the control of an old XY plotter DACs.
In both applications, the user wants to access the system over a web browser using HTTP. From the user...
C Programming Techniques: Function Call Inlining
IntroductionAbstraction is a key to manage software systems as they increase in size and complexity. As shown in a previous post, abstraction requires a developper to clearly define a software interface for both data and functions, and eventually hide the underlying implementation.When using the C language, the interface is often exposed in a header '.h' file, while the implementation is put in one or more corresponding '.c' files.
First, separating an interface from its...
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