Imagine Conference

An overview of Linux Boot Process for Embedded Systems

Kunal Singh December 25, 200811 comments

This Text provides an insight in to the Embedded Linux Boot Process. Reader should have a basic Knowledge of Boot Process in general and should be familiar with Embedded Linux Boot Process.

.................PART-A................(1) Software components Involved in Embedded Linux Boot Process    (a) Bootloader    (b) kernel Image    (c) root file system - either an initrd image or a NFS location(2) Steps during Booting process of a conventional...

Building Linux Kernel for Desktops

Kunal Singh August 9, 20084 comments

Linux Development has made an amazing process in last decade. Different Linux Distributions come with specific tools which greatly ease down the build process for Linux Kernel.

Here is a good introduction to these build tools and build procedure for different Linux Distributions:

Building Kernel for Fedora

Building Kernel for Ubuntu

Building Kernel for Suse...

Hello Android

Kunal Singh May 5, 20081 comment

Finally I could get Android Early SDK up and running on my Fedora Core-7 Machine.

The process was quite simple. However I had to struggle for a few days, because Fedora install the gnu version of Java and Android requires Java from Sun.

Here are the steps I had to follow:

(1) Install the eclipse IDE (if you do not have it already) with following command:

$> yum install eclipse-jdt eclipse-jdt-sdk (to be done as super user).

(2) now install the Android SDK and ADT plug-in for Eclipse...

NXP acquires Conexant STB Division

Kunal Singh May 4, 2008
NXP semiconductors has acquired the STB business of Conexant Technologies for 100 Million US$. This deal might boost the STB business of NXP, as they will gain a huge customer base from this deal. Conexant has been in deep trouble for last one year and had resorted to heavy lay offs in last financial year.

ANSI-C to VHDL compiler

Kunal Singh April 13, 20082 comments
Ylichron has announced the availability of "ANSI-C to VHDL" compiler. This is claimed to be first such compiler.

Open Source Influencers

Kunal Singh April 6, 2008
eWeek publish this list of 15 most influential personalities in Open Source World. Really Interesting.

Multimedia Compression: Another Revolution

Kunal Singh April 5, 20081 comment

Researchers at University of Rochester have developed a new technology to store the Music in compressed format, where compression ratios of a factor of Tens of Thousands can be achieved . This technology takes a completely different approach from the existing multimedia compression techniques - e.g. MP3, MPEG4. Whereas the existing technologies rely on eliminating the redundant (for lossless compression) and less important (for lossy compression) multimedia data (from original content), the...

iPhone aca Linux Station

Kunal Singh March 30, 2008
As the CPUs are becoming more and more powerful, the gap between Desktop PCs and a Hand-held Gadget has been sharply diminishing. In last couple of years, Laptops have eaten away a big market share from Desktop Market. In coming years, smart phones and laptops might merge in to a single device. This article on how iPhone may soon turn in to a Linux Workstation is really interesting. So what is the...

Speed Up Your Linux Box

Kunal Singh March 30, 20081 comment
Here are some cool tips on how you can accelerate your Linux Box.

Configuration Management: Why Developers are Avert to

Kunal Singh March 4, 2008

A few reasons why developers have aversion towards "Software Configuration Management Systems"

(1) They do not understand the importance of configuration management. - It is a common and logical reason. But, it is also a very dangerous sign for any organization. If their developers do not understand the importance of configuration management; then it is highly likely that developers even do not understand the other fundamentals of software development. The situation becomes worst...

An overview of Linux Boot Process for Embedded Systems

Kunal Singh December 25, 200811 comments

This Text provides an insight in to the Embedded Linux Boot Process. Reader should have a basic Knowledge of Boot Process in general and should be familiar with Embedded Linux Boot Process.

.................PART-A................(1) Software components Involved in Embedded Linux Boot Process    (a) Bootloader    (b) kernel Image    (c) root file system - either an initrd image or a NFS location(2) Steps during Booting process of a conventional...

ANSI-C to VHDL compiler

Kunal Singh April 13, 20082 comments
Ylichron has announced the availability of "ANSI-C to VHDL" compiler. This is claimed to be first such compiler.

Thumb Rules for Effective Meetings

Kunal Singh October 3, 2007

Meetings are unavoidable at any work place. At most occasions, meetings can be frustrating. We all face meeting-nightmares in our professional life.

I worked on a project, where none of the team-members were ever interested in any kind of group discussion or formal communication. At early stages of the project, no one wanted to be a part of decision making process. During middle-stages of the project, no one wanted to share any status updates or discuss any critical issues. And finally when...

Building Linux Kernel for Desktops

Kunal Singh August 9, 20084 comments

Linux Development has made an amazing process in last decade. Different Linux Distributions come with specific tools which greatly ease down the build process for Linux Kernel.

Here is a good introduction to these build tools and build procedure for different Linux Distributions:

Building Kernel for Fedora

Building Kernel for Ubuntu

Building Kernel for Suse...

Hello Android

Kunal Singh May 5, 20081 comment

Finally I could get Android Early SDK up and running on my Fedora Core-7 Machine.

The process was quite simple. However I had to struggle for a few days, because Fedora install the gnu version of Java and Android requires Java from Sun.

Here are the steps I had to follow:

(1) Install the eclipse IDE (if you do not have it already) with following command:

$> yum install eclipse-jdt eclipse-jdt-sdk (to be done as super user).

(2) now install the Android SDK and ADT plug-in for Eclipse...

Embedded Space & Software Development Practices

Kunal Singh December 5, 20074 comments

Embedded Programmers (at least the ones I know) are mostly at liberty to ignore the basic software development best practices, thanks to the simplicity of embedded applications. But, as the embedded processors are becoming more and more powerful, this situation might change soon. In coming years the embedded software applications are bound to become more complex (some embedded segments have already seen this change). Embedded programmers need to realize this inevitable change and start...

Speed Up Your Linux Box

Kunal Singh March 30, 20081 comment
Here are some cool tips on how you can accelerate your Linux Box.

Multimedia Compression: Another Revolution

Kunal Singh April 5, 20081 comment

Researchers at University of Rochester have developed a new technology to store the Music in compressed format, where compression ratios of a factor of Tens of Thousands can be achieved . This technology takes a completely different approach from the existing multimedia compression techniques - e.g. MP3, MPEG4. Whereas the existing technologies rely on eliminating the redundant (for lossless compression) and less important (for lossy compression) multimedia data (from original content), the...

Configuration Management: Why Developers are Avert to

Kunal Singh March 4, 2008

A few reasons why developers have aversion towards "Software Configuration Management Systems"

(1) They do not understand the importance of configuration management. - It is a common and logical reason. But, it is also a very dangerous sign for any organization. If their developers do not understand the importance of configuration management; then it is highly likely that developers even do not understand the other fundamentals of software development. The situation becomes worst...

Wiki Search is here

Kunal Singh January 8, 2008
Finally Wiki Search Engine is up an running. Not sure if Wiki can pose any threat to the popularity of Google Search. But let us hope that we will get to see many new search features in near future. Bye Monopoly. Hi Competition.

Imagine Conference