unable to read large file with Fatfs using f_read() and f_gets()

I'm tring to read microSD card with #MSP430 controller and FatFs in SPI mode.The file on microSD is a 64KB CSV file with entries like these:2/2/2017,11:17:17,120056,250,0,72.8,8.1,8.2,12.1,0.17,0.1...
Hi all, i have some problems with my msp432 (#MSP430) and adc14. I want to have a sample every 5 microseconds. So i have set smclk = 1Mhz (dco = 24Mhz and then...
Hi all,
i have a problem with my msp432 (#MSP430). it is connected with a dust sensor and between TIME_ADC_START and TIME_ADC_END i have to sample the signal....
Precise delay for Embedded Systems required? I may think so!!!

Well, its been a fact about defining delay in Embedded Systems. The approach may vary from person to person but at the end of the day the goal is to provide an accurate...
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