Forums Search for: MC9S12DP256B
SPI on MC9S12DP256B
inHi, I have been using the spi port on MC9S12E128 successfully for some time. I am now working on another target which uses...
Hi, I have been using the spi port on MC9S12E128 successfully for some time. I am now working on another target which uses MC9S12DP256B instead. Unfortunately the spi does not work on this other target, which I have two of. I have worked through the erratas for silic
Serial Bootloader for HCS12xDP512
inIs there something available to replace the serial bootloader that was available with MC9S12DP256B? If not, has anyone attempted to...
Is there something available to replace the serial bootloader that was available with MC9S12DP256B? If not, has anyone attempted to modify this serial bootloader created for the MC9S12DP256B to adapt it to the MC9S12XDP512? I know that the original code won't work because of the RAM mapping that is not available on the XGATE series, but there mi
Cant program MC9S12DP256B
inHi, I am having difficulty programming a new target board using MC9S12DP256B processor. This is the first time I have used...
Hi, I am having difficulty programming a new target board using MC9S12DP256B processor. This is the first time I have used this particular processor, but for using it on an axiom EVB, which programmes fine. I have been using MC9S12E128CPV in an number of target board
MC9S12DP256B - Serial Bootloader - AN2153
inHello, I am searching for a serial Bootloader for the MC9S12DP256B. On the Freescale website I found the AN2153. (Serial...
Hello, I am searching for a serial Bootloader for the MC9S12DP256B. On the Freescale website I found the AN2153. (Serial Bootloader for Reprogramming?) Has somebody of you implemented this Bootloader with the Code Warrior? Does it work? Does somebody know an <
Bootloader MC9S12DP256B
inI have a basic question : how can I upload/run bootloader on motorola MC9S12DP256B (I am using CodeWarrior 5.5, BDM-MULTILINK) I found...
I have a basic question : how can I upload/run bootloader on motorola MC9S12DP256B (I am using CodeWarrior 5.5, BDM-MULTILINK) I found some s-rec files (AN2546SW.zip) on freescale.com with doc's: "HCS12 Load RAM and Execute Bootloader User Guide". When I try uploading these s-rec (for 256) either I have memory errors or it just doesn't wor
MC9S12A256B vs MC9S12DP256B (and CodeWarrior)
inI'm using CodeWarrior for HC(S)12. We've been using an eval board with the MC9S12DP256B MCU, but are actual MCU is the MC9S12A256B....
I'm using CodeWarrior for HC(S)12. We've been using an eval board with the MC9S12DP256B MCU, but are actual MCU is the MC9S12A256B. I cannot get CodeWarrior to talk to the MCU via the P&E BDM Multilink cable. Also CodeWarrior, does not list the MC9S12A256B in a MCU-ID drop-do
how to download load program on to minidragon MC9S12DP256B board
inDear friends, I am new with the minidragon MC9S12DP256B chip. I have my program but I do not know how to configure the chip with my computer....
Dear friends, I am new with the minidragon MC9S12DP256B chip. I have my program but I do not know how to configure the chip with my computer. I need to know how to download the program that I have written on to my chip using a serial cable. Somebody please help. Thanks. SD
Help with M68EVB912DP256
inHello, I am a newbie and am not too well versed with microcontrollers. So I will appreciate any help. I am using a M68EVB912DP256...
Hello, I am a newbie and am not too well versed with microcontrollers. So I will appreciate any help. I am using a M68EVB912DP256 development board (it has the MC9S12DP256B chip). I want to install a CAN interface so that it can communicate with another microcontroller (XC3S-1500). I was able to write a simple CAN transmit code and I think it works fine. NOw, I want to test the CAN re
I2C question??
inHello, i had been trying to work with MC9S12DP256B board and SRF08 sensor that makes use of the I2C bus, pins j6 and j7 ,SDA & SCL. I haven't...
Hello, i had been trying to work with MC9S12DP256B board and SRF08 sensor that makes use of the I2C bus, pins j6 and j7 ,SDA & SCL. I haven't been able to communicate with the device. I have included the .asm file, so if anyone can take a look at it and advice me on what i'm doing wrong.=20 What i'm trying to do in this code, is to change the address of the slave(SRF08). In order to change ...
Flash Programmer - SCBDMPGMR12
inHi All, I am looking for a flash programmer for Motorola MC9S12DP256B with the following functions: It can load a...
Hi All, I am looking for a flash programmer for Motorola MC9S12DP256B with the following functions: It can load a firmware image (say S-Record) into MCU and overwrite the existing (crashed) firmware inside the MCU. We also have to keep some calibrat
MC9S12DP256B security
inWhen you implement the built-in security feature on the DP256B mask 1K79x running Normal Single Chip mode, you cannot erase and write EEPROM and...
When you implement the built-in security feature on the DP256B mask 1K79x running Normal Single Chip mode, you cannot erase and write EEPROM and flash on the device. (From Freescale ERRATA MUCts00603 and MUCts00604.) We need to be able to reprogram the MCU while in the field. In order to do this, our firmware update PC tool launches the Bootloader on the MCU, unsecures the device using t...
A compiler problem.Is it because the C Program or CWSEHC12..
I am using the CodeWarrior Development Studio Special Edition for HCS12 write a simple program for the MCU of MC9S12DP256B using...
I am using the CodeWarrior Development Studio Special Edition for HCS12 write a simple program for the MCU of MC9S12DP256B using the HCS12 software stationery of stationary-k79x.In the Project manager window I removed several MCU peripheral definition and add two files ( "P
New In-System Programmer for Freescale HC(S)08/HCS12(X)
February 2, 2006 - inDART-One, the new universal In-System Programmer for Freescale Semiconductor HC(S)08 and HCS12(X) microcontrollers, is...
February 2, 2006 - inDART-One, the new universal In-System Programmer for Freescale Semiconductor HC(S)08 and HCS12(X) microcontrollers, is now available from SofTec Microsystems. inDART-One's fast programming algorithms make it ideal for volume production. The optimized algorithm for MC908GP32 can program the 32KB memory in about 1 second, while the 256KB memory of the MC9S12DP256B ne
Adapt9S12DP256M Development Board - Closed-loop Stepper Motor Control
inHi, How to use this development board in order to develop the stepper motor control system? What are the module/block I should use in...
Hi, How to use this development board in order to develop the stepper motor control system? What are the module/block I should use in this system? Basically, my system is like this: 1. Firstly, there will be a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the user to input their desired position, speed and direction. This GUI will communicate with MC9S12DP256B through RS232. Any reference for ...