Imagine Conference

MSP430 tutorial for beginners

Started by for_si2003 in MSP43016 years ago 2 replies

I had written this tutorial for beginners some time ago. http://referencedesigner.com/tutorials/msp430/msp430_01.php I would like members'...

I had written this tutorial for beginners some time ago. http://referencedesigner.com/tutorials/msp430/msp430_01.php I would like members' feedback. Also I am looking for any volunteer to contribute to this tutorial to extend it. The contributors' name and details ( email, web address etc.) will be included. Let me know if anyone is interested. Vikas Shukla -------------------------...

programming tutorial

Started by sid_...@yahoo.com in MSP43017 years ago 6 replies

hi, Can anyone provide me with a good tutorial for programming MSP430 that will explain how to program in C. As well as the various syntax...

hi, Can anyone provide me with a good tutorial for programming MSP430 that will explain how to program in C. As well as the various syntax like PxDIR, PxSEL etc........& addresses of various ports. Regards Sid ------------------------------------

240 x 128 graphics tutorial for msp430

Started by Mike Raines in MSP43016 years ago 9 replies

Good morning, Could someone please suggest a tutorial that might help me learn how to write to a 240 x 128 graphical display using c...

Good morning, Could someone please suggest a tutorial that might help me learn how to write to a 240 x 128 graphical display using c functions from a msp430 4xxx or 5xxx? Thanks, Mike Raines ------------------------------------

A beginners programming tutorial for MSP430

Started by v_shukla72 in MSP43016 years ago 28 replies

This programming tutorial will be helpful for beginners and...

This programming tutorial will be helpful for beginners and newbies. http://referencedesigner.com/tutorials/msp430/msp430_01.php ------------------------------------

ADC toutorial for MSP?

Started by merapcb in MSP43016 years ago 7 replies

Does anyone know of a good resource (tutorial, document, etc.) on how to use the ADC in MSP430? (specifically MSP430F1612). This is my...

Does anyone know of a good resource (tutorial, document, etc.) on how to use the ADC in MSP430? (specifically MSP430F1612). This is my first time. Also regarding circuit layout do's and don'ts.... Thanks ------------------------------------

Function Pointers

Started by Rachel Adamec in MSP43018 years ago 1 reply

There was a lot of discussion at one point about pointers to functions... I just got a note with a link for a tutorial: C/C++ function...

There was a lot of discussion at one point about pointers to functions... I just got a note with a link for a tutorial: C/C++ function pointer tutorials. =BB www.newty.de/fpt/index.html just passing it along, hope it helps... Rachel Adamec Norrsitown, PA, USA =20 =20

Beginner with a few questions

Started by Andrew in MSP43012 years ago 2 replies

Hey everybody, About two weeks ago I started making a serious effort to learn to use the MSP430 Launchpad (with MSP430F2012). I have no prior...

Hey everybody, About two weeks ago I started making a serious effort to learn to use the MSP430 Launchpad (with MSP430F2012). I have no prior experience coding in C or C++, so I wanted to describe what I've learned, and get some feedback, just to make sure I understand everything correctly. In the "blink your first LED" tutorial there is the following piece of code: P1DIR |= 0x01; It explai...

16x2 LCD tutorial?

Started by Vern VanZ in MSP43015 years ago 3 replies

Greetings all, Sorry if this is too much of an amateur-ish question, but I've honestly never attempted to mesh an msp430 with one of the 16X2...

Greetings all, Sorry if this is too much of an amateur-ish question, but I've honestly never attempted to mesh an msp430 with one of the 16X2 LCD modules (for example: DMC-16207U). Anyone here know of any good tutorials around? The hardware/software connections don't look to be terribly involved and I've seen a couple of examples, but I'd like to know more... Thanks, -Vern ------------...

Looking for a simple code for ADC on IAR

Started by v_shukla72 in MSP43016 years ago 4 replies

I have a board and I want a simple code that will read the ADC. I appreciate your help. Any existing example or tutorial will...

I have a board and I want a simple code that will read the ADC. I appreciate your help. Any existing example or tutorial will help ------------------------------------

DC-DC converter design

Started by Frederic Beaulieu in MSP43020 years ago 41 replies

Hi all, since it seems there is a lot of good hardware designer in this group, I wonder if someone can provide me little help or point me good...

Hi all, since it seems there is a lot of good hardware designer in this group, I wonder if someone can provide me little help or point me good reference (tutorial, book, website, etc) related to the design of a synchronous boost converter. I use a LTC3401 with typical reference design and I have few problems at low temperature (-10oC). This seem to appear when a higher current is request b

IAR Simulator Macro Error - help requested please!

Started by dippitydo2000 in MSP43018 years ago 1 reply

Hello, I am using IAR EW V3.30 and am trying to simulate random Port1 interrupts. I am using a copy of SetupAdvanced.mac, with modifications,...

Hello, I am using IAR EW V3.30 and am trying to simulate random Port1 interrupts. I am using a copy of SetupAdvanced.mac, with modifications, from the IDE tutorial folder. The simulated interrupt is setup in the IDE for now. I am getting the following error when setPORT1Bits() executes after the simulated interrupt triggers: Tue Aug 22 09:36:54 2006: Error in C:{removed} \Debug\Exe\...

WDT Problem

Started by aekalman in MSP43023 years ago 8 replies

Hi All. I'm having a problem with the WDT (think) on an 'F149. If I run the code (it's Salvo tutorial application tu5) on a 'F123 FET, it...

Hi All. I'm having a problem with the WDT (think) on an 'F149. If I run the code (it's Salvo tutorial application tu5) on a 'F123 FET, it works fine. If I run the same code, recompiled for the 'F149 FET, it fails, and it looks to me like the WDT times out. I say that because immediately after a full reset, IFG1 is 0x82. I start the program and it remains that way through fifteen trips

Serial: msp430 >> eZ430 >> USB >> MSP-FET430UIF(com3) >> VB program on Com3??

Started by spamme0 in MSP43014 years ago 4 replies

I want to build a hardware interface using the F2013 that communicates bidirectionally with a visual basic program that talks to virtual...

I want to build a hardware interface using the F2013 that communicates bidirectionally with a visual basic program that talks to virtual com3 using the ez430 usb development tool. I can't figure out how to get the msp430 to read/write the virtual serial port via the eZ430. Is there a tutorial or app note on this? All I've found are a couple of promising broken links. Yes, I know there...

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