how to start work on bldc motor control
Started by 1 year ago●6 replies●latest reply 1 year ago●154 viewsI was looking for some open source way to control the bldc motor through stm32 with mosfet and adc signals. if there is something please share.
thanks in advance
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thanks vadimB
Hi Anoop22!
You'll find a lot of good information on the ST site.
They even have a type of framework called STSPIN related to motor control.
ok thank you Dilberto for information, I will check that.
Hi Anoop,
You need to start with looking for manufacturing (and any other) information you can find on the exact make and model of the motor you are trying to control. There is a good chance there is already a hardware driver for it, and you can keep working up the chain to the software.
ok, thanks Joseph Flowers.