Forums Search for: LPC2212
Keil RAM function problem
inHi all, I use Keil uVision 3 with LPC2212. I must write one function in assembler and execute it from internal RAM on LPC2212. How can I do...
Hi all, I use Keil uVision 3 with LPC2212. I must write one function in assembler and execute it from internal RAM on LPC2212. How can I do that? I am trying: AREA ?PR?RAMFunc, ERAM RSEG ?PR?RAMFunc PUBLIC RAMFunc?A PUBLIC RAMFunc?T ; veneer code for Thumb entry RAMFunc?T PROC CODE16 bx r15 nop ENDP RAMFunc?A PROC CODE32 stmfd sp!,{r0-r12,lr} ldr r0,=ioclr0 ........ ...
Flash Code Protection
inHi All, I am burning the internal flash of LPC2212 using PHILIPS LPC2000 flash utility. Is there a way to make the code protected?
Hi All, I am burning the internal flash of LPC2212 using PHILIPS LPC2000 flash utility. Is there a way to make the code protected?
Device IDs update for all LPC2000 devices
inDevice ID LPC2106 0xFFF0FF32 LPC2105 0xFFF0FF22 LPC2104 0xFFF0FF12 LPC2114 0x0101FF12 LPC2119 0x0201FF12 LPC2124 0x0101FF13 ...
Device ID LPC2106 0xFFF0FF32 LPC2105 0xFFF0FF22 LPC2104 0xFFF0FF12 LPC2114 0x0101FF12 LPC2119 0x0201FF12 LPC2124 0x0101FF13 LPC2129 0x0201FF13 LPC2194 0x0301FF13 LPC22x0 0x0301FF12 LPC2212 0x0401FF12 LPC2214 0x0601FF13 LPC2292 0x0401FF13 LPC2294 0x0501FF13 LPC2131 0x0002FF01 LPC2132 0x0002FF11 LPC2
*****Data abort**** when start up using AXD and multi ICE
inAfter i load the image in AXD ,the debug log show ***RDI Warning 00005: Data abort* immediately, the debugger cannot locate the program counter...
After i load the image in AXD ,the debug log show ***RDI Warning 00005: Data abort* immediately, the debugger cannot locate the program counter at the begainning. anyone know the why? I use LPC2212, multi ice and AXD debugger and ADS 1.2 core is ARM7TDMI-S many thanks
write/read external Flash S29AL016D connected to LPC 2212
inHello, I use an NXP LPC2212 with an external Flash Spansion S29AL016D connected by Address bus and data bus I can't communicate with...
Hello, I use an NXP LPC2212 with an external Flash Spansion S29AL016D connected by Address bus and data bus I can't communicate with Flash. I can't read or write over this external Flash. Is it a problem of synchronisation? Can you help me please? ------------------------------------