Imagine Conference

PROGMEM equivalent for lpc2100?

Started by Kevin Townsend in LPC200016 years ago 4 replies

I am trying to port a basic USB CDC stack from an AT90USB162 to the LPC2148 (rather than paying for something like an FT232RL), and it seems on...

I am trying to port a basic USB CDC stack from an AT90USB162 to the LPC2148 (rather than paying for something like an FT232RL), and it seems on the atmel chips you can use PROGMEM to store variables in flash memory rather than using SRAM (which is good since the AT90USB162 only has 512 bytes of it). I was wondering if there is a straight forward way to do the same with an lpc2100? All of the d...

Free BASIC interpreter for LPC2100

Started by varuzhandanielyan in LPC200019 years ago 3 replies

Does somebody know something about Free BASIC interpreter for LPC2100? Thanks vdaniel ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor...

Does somebody know something about Free BASIC interpreter for LPC2100? Thanks vdaniel ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> Great things are happening at Yahoo! Groups. See the new email design. http://us.click.yahoo.com/TISQkA/hOaOAA/yQLSAA/dN_tlB/TM --------------------------------------------------------------------~->

Orcad Schematic Library for the LPC2100

Started by Asif Khan in LPC200015 years ago 2 replies

I am looking for an Orcad Schematic Library for the LPC21000 series MCU. Can anyone help me??? Asif Khan Manufacturing Engineering Bio-Rad...

I am looking for an Orcad Schematic Library for the LPC21000 series MCU. Can anyone help me??? Asif Khan Manufacturing Engineering Bio-Rad Laboratories

USB Device Class for MIDI - followup

Started by radim100 in LPC200014 years ago 5 replies

I was just wondering if anybody has some LPC214X or LPC2100 based MIDI USB Class code available to share . Thanks....

I was just wondering if anybody has some LPC214X or LPC2100 based MIDI USB Class code available to share . Thanks. Radim ------------------------------------

LPC2100 and USB programming

Started by Milos Prokic in LPC200020 years ago 7 replies

Hi everyone, I wanted to fabricate a board with the LPC210x that will have USB connectivity. I have found some simple chips that...

Hi everyone, I wanted to fabricate a board with the LPC210x that will have USB connectivity. I have found some simple chips that would definitely do the job - for example PDIUSBD12 which is a USB interface device with parallel bus. However, I don't think I would be able to bootstrap

Re: [lpc2100] Real time clock

Started by Igor Janjatovic in LPC200021 years ago 4 replies

> This means that the contents of the clock are a bit fragile, really - > suggesting it will be better used as a local 'cache' of an...

> This means that the contents of the clock are a bit fragile, really - > suggesting it will be better used as a local 'cache' of an external > seperately-clocked real time clock unit that's slow to access (I2C or > similar), loaded from it during startup or return from power d

Keil Flash Programming

Started by RANGARAJAN in LPC200018 years ago

Hi All: Keil Questions: 1. Device Database When adding a custom (ARM core) MC in the device database for Keil, what relevance do...

Hi All: Keil Questions: 1. Device Database When adding a custom (ARM core) MC in the device database for Keil, what relevance do the following parameters have? FLDLL=UL2ARM(-U268761108 -O7 -C0 -FO15 -FD40000000 -FC800 -FN1 -FF0LPC_IAP2_512 -FS00 -FL07D000) MON=SARM.DLL("") TARMP.DLL("-pLPC2138") REGFILE=LPC2888.H("Philips") SFILE="STARTUP\Philips\Startup.s" ("Philips LPC2100 Startup Cod...

how to set baudrate 38400 while PCLK is 60 MHz?

Started by yhb123 in LPC200016 years ago 6 replies

Hi all, Has anyone successfully set the LPC2100 Baudrate 38400 while PCLK is 60MHz? I set the LPC2148 with the following settings with...

Hi all, Has anyone successfully set the LPC2100 Baudrate 38400 while PCLK is 60MHz? I set the LPC2148 with the following settings with Calculated Baudrate (BPS): 38412. Because a application uses LPC2148's USB port, 12 MHz crystal has to be used here. If FDR is not used, the baudrate 4800 and 9600 are working. But baudrate 38400 doesn't work even FDR is used. PINSEL0 = 0x00000005; ...

interesting Function Library for Philips LPC2100

Started by valdef78 in LPC200020 years ago 4 replies

Hello, I'm still looking around on Google to see if I can find more interesting links or infos on ARM and particularly on LPC21xx...

Hello, I'm still looking around on Google to see if I can find more interesting links or infos on ARM and particularly on LPC21xx and this time I found this one : http://hubbard.engr.scu.edu/em bedded/arm/armlib/index.html here is the Overview of the included fun

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