Imagine Conference

Choosing an IDE for the LPC2114

Started by rkd0930home in LPC200021 years ago 13 replies

Hi, I will be starting a new project using the LPC2114 and I have to decide on an IDE to do the development. I have been...

Hi, I will be starting a new project using the LPC2114 and I have to decide on an IDE to do the development. I have been considering the Rowley Crossworks and IAR Embedded Workbench. I know they are very different in price ($800 vs $3000), but when doing professional work

FreeRTOS - UART Problem - LPC2114 suddenly stops

Started by elperegrinoranquel in LPC200015 years ago 3 replies

Hi, i am working with a Development Board based on a LPC2114. We have made the port for FreeRTOS using the instructions available in FreeRTOS's...

Hi, i am working with a Development Board based on a LPC2114. We have made the port for FreeRTOS using the instructions available in FreeRTOS's web page, modifying the Demo for LPC2106 (because we use GCC compiler) and comparing with the Demo for LPC2129 (because there are only very little differences with this micro). The Demo seemed to worked just fine, but the problem comes when we use th...

MCB2100 LPC2114 starter code

Started by petermccormick1 in LPC200021 years ago 2 replies

We have used Keil Uv2 (assemblers & C) and Ceibo emulators & programmers for the 87C554 family of chips for years. The 87C is great but it is...

We have used Keil Uv2 (assemblers & C) and Ceibo emulators & programmers for the 87C554 family of chips for years. The 87C is great but it is becoming an antique. We are migrating to the LPC2114 and have purchased the Keil Ulink and MCB2100 to ramp up. Keil does not seem to have much sample code to work with the MCB2100 for starters. Are there any web sites with code, flash programmin

5V tolerant i/o pins

Started by onceinfour in LPC200021 years ago 7 replies

I want to connect the LPC2114 (or other LPC2xxx) to 5V solenoid drivers (eg. UDN2981's). Can I pull up the outputs of the LPC to 5V...

I want to connect the LPC2114 (or other LPC2xxx) to 5V solenoid drivers (eg. UDN2981's). Can I pull up the outputs of the LPC to 5V with say 10K, to satisfy the input reqmts of the driver? And secondly, I cant find a list anywhere in the datasheets of the LPC pins which are 5V tol

Device IDs update for all LPC2000 devices

Started by philips_apps in LPC200020 years ago 1 reply

Device ID LPC2106 0xFFF0FF32 LPC2105 0xFFF0FF22 LPC2104 0xFFF0FF12 LPC2114 0x0101FF12 LPC2119 0x0201FF12 LPC2124 0x0101FF13 ...

Device ID LPC2106 0xFFF0FF32 LPC2105 0xFFF0FF22 LPC2104 0xFFF0FF12 LPC2114 0x0101FF12 LPC2119 0x0201FF12 LPC2124 0x0101FF13 LPC2129 0x0201FF13 LPC2194 0x0301FF13 LPC22x0 0x0301FF12 LPC2212 0x0401FF12 LPC2214 0x0601FF13 LPC2292 0x0401FF13 LPC2294 0x0501FF13 LPC2131 0x0002FF01 LPC2132 0x0002FF11 LPC2

FAT file system

Started by Gus in LPC200020 years ago 18 replies

I have posted about this before but now I am finally done with ALFAT. I used LPC2114 chip and programmed it with full FAT file ...

I have posted about this before but now I am finally done with ALFAT. I used LPC2114 chip and programmed it with full FAT file system where you can send SPI or UART(serial) commands to it and it will save FAT files to many kinds of medias SD, MMC, CF and hard disks!

Connection to Green Hills Probe (MULTI)

Started by Anonymous in LPC200021 years ago 3 replies

Hello group! I am working on a design with LPC2114 and I want to use the MULTI development environment for the device. I have connected the...

Hello group! I am working on a design with LPC2114 and I want to use the MULTI development environment for the device. I have connected the JTAG signals and the RTCK to a 20-pins connector, ref. the ARM 20-pins connector refered to by Green Hills. There are a few questions I want to put before the group: - Is correct to force the RTCK signal low via 4.7 ohm resistor to enable the debug...

Does code read protection exist on the LPC2106 ?

Started by smt5211 in LPC200020 years ago 6 replies

Hi, I know that code read protection exists on the LPC2114,2124,2212,2214. Does code read protection exist on the ...

Hi, I know that code read protection exists on the LPC2114,2124,2212,2214. Does code read protection exist on the LPC2106. If it doesnt, will the bootloader eventually support this feature? If the LPC2106 doesnt have code protection, then we're goi

Imagine Conference