Forums Search for: UART
Serial Motor driver - to UART or not to UART
inI'm using a PIC16F628 to build a serial DC motor driver. I thought of using the UART port to wake the PIC when a new command...
I'm using a PIC16F628 to build a serial DC motor driver. I thought of using the UART port to wake the PIC when a new command comes in. What are the considerations for using the UART ? Should I use a interrupt or just check the port in a tight loop ? If I want to preserve powe
PIC 877 and Rf wireless
inHas anyone tried transferring datas to or from 877 wireless. I have wireless rx and tx from www.laipacinc.com. Do we the UART...
Has anyone tried transferring datas to or from 877 wireless. I have wireless rx and tx from www.laipacinc.com. Do we the UART for this? Any examples out there about using UART.
Waking Up UART from Sleep
inHi Am experimenting with a PIC16F628 here and would like put the processor in Sleep Mode and then wake it up when a character is ...
Hi Am experimenting with a PIC16F628 here and would like put the processor in Sleep Mode and then wake it up when a character is received in the UART. Problem is that SLEEP seems to shut down the OSC and thus the Baudrate Generator is not running to get the character. Read
Having to turn off UART continuous receive
inI have a program in my 16F88 that reads data from a GPS (through the hardware UART), stores it in RAM, parses it, and then writes...
I have a program in my 16F88 that reads data from a GPS (through the hardware UART), stores it in RAM, parses it, and then writes certain items to an external EEPROM. What I've discovered, though, is that I have to turn off continuous receive (CREN=0) before I do my processing ro
How to declare a software UART in the MPLAB compiler?
inColleagues, I'm a big fan of CCS compiler, but for this project I have to use the MPLAB, becasue it support s Salvo OS....
Colleagues, I'm a big fan of CCS compiler, but for this project I have to use the MPLAB, becasue it support s Salvo OS. Here are my questions. - Is it possible to delare a Software UART in the MPLAB without a lot of coding? - Is there a good 3rd partty Software
Soft UART on 12F629 - help wanted
inHello, I posted a project on Elance to get a small soft UART project done: ...
Hello, I posted a project on Elance to get a small soft UART project done: http://www.elance.com/c/search/main/lSearch.pl?mode=search&stage=results&domain=project s&cati
20Mhz 16F873A UART bootloader
inHello - I am looking for a 16F873A bootloader that uses the built-in serial port (and ideally without WDT). Shane Tolmie's looks ...
Hello - I am looking for a 16F873A bootloader that uses the built-in serial port (and ideally without WDT). Shane Tolmie's looks most promising to me but his site doesn't have a 20Mhz version. Apparently the 87xA versions use a slightly different algorithm for self-programming so I a
PIC -ISA interfacing weird problem
inHi all, I am interfacing pic microcontroller (pic18f452) to FDC37c672 from SMSC. FDC37c672 has some UART and IrDA capabilities...
Hi all, I am interfacing pic microcontroller (pic18f452) to FDC37c672 from SMSC. FDC37c672 has some UART and IrDA capabilities which I want to explot. It has an ISA bus interface. I am able to read the registers from the FDC37C672. But for some reason I am unable t