Forums Search for: PicBasic
PicBasic - TMR0 16F877
inI'm using PicBasic and my project requires taking an analog reading every 100th of a second. Is using TMR0 the best way to do the...
I'm using PicBasic and my project requires taking an analog reading every 100th of a second. Is using TMR0 the best way to do the timing? It looks like the prescaler ratios do not make it possible.
Internal osc for 12F629 or similar chips
inI use PicBasic Pro on this chip with ICProg. I am trying not to use an external xtal on it. Does anyone know how to set it...
I use PicBasic Pro on this chip with ICProg. I am trying not to use an external xtal on it. Does anyone know how to set it using PicBasic? Thanks Randy ----- Original Message ----- From: "itiseasy2000" Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 01:56:13 -0000 To: p...@yaho
BASIC advice...
inI am looking for input on which BASIC compiler to get to program PICs. I have it narrowed down to PicBASIC Pro, and Celestial ...
I am looking for input on which BASIC compiler to get to program PICs. I have it narrowed down to PicBASIC Pro, and Celestial Horizons CH Flash Basic. While I know that PicBasic Pro will work with more types of chips, I will really only be using the 16's, so that is not a real is
PicBasic Pro v. MBasic...
inHas anyone used PicBasic Pro by MeLabs) and MBasic Pro (by Basic Micro)? How do the two compare? I can afford to get one or the other, and...
Has anyone used PicBasic Pro by MeLabs) and MBasic Pro (by Basic Micro)? How do the two compare? I can afford to get one or the other, and obviously want the better of the two products. By better, I mean easier to use, value for the money, more powerful. Please do not bother listing all of the other available Basic compilers. I have compared and contrasted
Storing String Constants with PicBasic Pro?
inI need to store a few dozen variable length strings containing GPIB commands for a demo aid using PicBasic Pro in a PIC16F877A....
I need to store a few dozen variable length strings containing GPIB commands for a demo aid using PicBasic Pro in a PIC16F877A. First try was to use Lookup. Works, but I have to wrap a loop around each lookup function. Second try was to use the readcode fun
assembly vs. picbasic, etc
inhello, I have been tinkering with the 16x84 for several years learning a little bit of assembly. However, I find my self wanting to make...
hello, I have been tinkering with the 16x84 for several years learning a little bit of assembly. However, I find my self wanting to make more involved programs that would be very involved to make in assembly. The most popular alternative appears to be PicBasic Pro but it kills me to have to spend $250 (i'll admit it, i'm cheap). I am pretty familiar wi
Re: PicBASIC speed and code efficiency
inI'm about to start on a major program, which I expect to be some 32K in assembly. To save me getting some additional gray hairs I'm...
I'm about to start on a major program, which I expect to be some 32K in assembly. To save me getting some additional gray hairs I'm sniffing at BASIC for this project. But I need -SPEED- can't afford to loose much of it compared to a well-written assembler program. Can anyone say something about PicBASIC's execution speed and code effici
Mbasic, PICBasic, other
inLooking for a good basic language complier for PICS using a picstart compatible programmer. I am familiar with Basic and...
Looking for a good basic language complier for PICS using a picstart compatible programmer. I am familiar with Basic and Pascal and would perfer to work in this environment vs assembly (which i'll pick upas I go). I have several robot projects and others which I plan to us
POT command question...
inWhen using the POT command in PicBasic Pro to read a potentiometer, does the pin that the potentiometer is attached to have to have ADC, or ...
When using the POT command in PicBasic Pro to read a potentiometer, does the pin that the potentiometer is attached to have to have ADC, or can any I/O pin be used? Thanks! Scott
Re: Microchip MCP23016 with PicBasic Pro?
inDid you get this working? An interesting chip, but talk about lack of documentation...I am trying to figure out the difference...
Did you get this working? An interesting chip, but talk about lack of
documentation...I am trying to figure out the difference between
latched data and pin data.
--- In , Jon Chandler
16F628 on-chip eeprom problem
inHello everyone, I'm new to the group and I'd like to ask a question. I've recently moved all my projects from 16F84 to 16F628...
Hello everyone, I'm new to the group and I'd like to ask a question. I've recently moved all my projects from 16F84 to 16F628 mcu's. Yesterday I've tried to write data to the internal (on-chip) eeprom of 16F628 using PicBasic Pro with little (or no ;) sucess. Would anyone care
Electronics speed control
inHas anyone worked on a speed control before. I want to drive a small dc motor. The same as the radio control electric motors. I...
Has anyone worked on a speed control before. I want to drive a small dc motor. The same as the radio control electric motors. I currently use PicBasic Pro. Thanks ----- Original Message ----- From: cdb Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2003 13:57:03 +1000 To:
Stepper motor control with PIC
inHas anyone developed software and/or hardware for controlling the absolute position of a stepper motor with a potentiometer? It...
Has anyone developed software and/or hardware for controlling the absolute position of a stepper motor with a potentiometer? It has to be a stepper, not a servo. I need the stepper to follow the movement of a potentiometer shaft around a 180 degree axis. I work in PicBasic
STR compare in picbasic
inI have a string in a variable array ie STR mydata(0) = "Hello" I would like to compare it to a list of around 60 other...
I have a string in a variable array ie STR mydata(0) = "Hello" I would like to compare it to a list of around 60 other strings to see if they match. Both Case and blanks are sensitive! ie STR storeddata(0) = "Random Text" " "
Serout2,Serin2 Help
inHere is what I have. I am using a PIC16F877A and PICBasic Pro [code] DEFINE LCD_DREG PORTD DEFINE LCD_DBIT 4 DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTE DEFINE...
Here is what I have. I am using a PIC16F877A and PICBasic Pro [code] DEFINE LCD_DREG PORTD DEFINE LCD_DBIT 4 DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTE DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 0 DEFINE LCD_EREG PORTE DEFINE LCD_EBIT 1 DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000 DEFINE DATAUS 50 DEFINE OSC 10 include "modedefs.bas" temp VAR WORD TRISA = %11111111 ' Set PORTA to all input ADCON1 = %10000101 Low PORTE.2 ' LCD