
New Video: Parametric Oscillations

Started by Tim Wescott 7 years ago51 views
Put comments here:https://www.dsprelated.com/showarticle/1022.php

Why isn't object file created?

Started by learn 7 years ago4 replieslatest reply 7 years ago111 views
I'm using WindRiver Compiler to cross compile large embedded 'C' language project.The source code is in the hard disk on my windows computer.  The compiler...

ARINC653 OpenSource suggestions

Started by JoseDAssisCordeiro 7 years ago8 replieslatest reply 7 years ago373 views
Hi everyone, Me and my group are developing the ARINC653 protocol this semester in OpenSource. The idea is to have independent partitions than can run OS, applications ...

Best way to split modbus data over virtual com ports

Started by coreyfowler 7 years ago4 replieslatest reply 7 years ago177 views
Hi Guys,What I have is sensors sending modbus data coming in via rs232 to say COM 1, I can only use this with one program in windows as the second program has...

Using FatFs, file size limited to Allocation Unit Size of SD card

Started by kunalb 7 years ago2 replieslatest reply 7 years ago2624 views
I am trying to connect microSD card (8GB SanDisk SDHC) to MSP430F67791 controller via SPI interface (USCI_B1). I am using Fatfs library (latest R0.12b) for this....

pf_open() returning FR_NO_FILE inspite of an existing file on microSD card

Started by kunalb 8 years ago14 replieslatest reply 7 years ago1396 views
I am trying to connect microSD card (transcend 2GB) to MSP430F67791 controller via SPI interface (USCI_B1). I am using petit Fatfs library (latest R0.03) for this....

What is a good solution to prevent duplicate variables?

Started by learn 8 years ago11 replieslatest reply 8 years ago154 views
Our language is embedded 'C'.  We have global static unsigned int variable called vehicle_speed.  A lower level function is called to fetch vehicle speed and assign...

Quick Tip for the Embedded Systems Engineer

Started by stephaneb 8 years ago10 replieslatest reply 8 years ago355 views
I am looking to add a section in the newsletter that would be titled 'Quick Tip of the Week for the Embedded Systems Engineer' or something similar (any suggestion?)....

LPC177x GPIO interrupt

Started by geo255 8 years ago11 replieslatest reply 8 years ago1177 views
I am struggling to get a #GPIO interrupt (port 0.3) working on an LPC1778 (#LPC1700).  I've checked online, including here, and I seem to be doing everything...

driver timeout issue on Windows 10 when installing USB CDC

Started by Bryan_Conway 8 years ago2 replieslatest reply 8 years ago442 views
Hello,Does anyone have experience resolving the driver timeout issue on Windows 10 when installing USB CDC (Communication Device Class) driver?  This is regarding...

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