Imagine Conference

What I Learned From Crashing and Burning in Grad School

Nathan Jones

Have you ever felt so consumed by something that it started to crowd other parts of your life? So obsessed with success in a particular area that you could hardly think about anything else? I found myself in exactly that spot in 2018 when I first started graduate school; I wanted to succeed so badly that I worked myself to the bone and I let even my marriage and my health suffer in service to it. This state of being is, believe it or not, NOT conducive to success, in neither the long-term nor the short-term. But it took two authors and one pivotal book for me to understand that, to see the pit I had dug for myself, and to begin the path back out. In this blog, I want to share with you my journey in the hopes that you can avoid the mistakes I made.

Small or fast?

Colin Walls

Developers of software for desktop computers take code optimization for granted. Embedded developers typically need to pay much more attention to the details

Stand-by or boot-up

Colin Walls

Many factors affect the usability of devices - a key one is how long it takes to start up.

Write Better Code with Block Diagrams and Flowcharts

Nathan Jones

Reading and writing code without architectural diagrams is like trying to follow complex instructions without any explanatory pictures: nigh impossible! By taking the time to draw out the block diagrams and flowcharts for your code, you can help identify problems before they arise and make your code easier to design, write, test, and debug. In this article, I'll briefly justify the importance of architectural drawings such as block diagrams and flowcharts and then teach you what they are and how to draw them. Using two simple examples, you'll see first-hand how these drawings can significantly amplify your understanding of a piece of code. Additionally, I'll give you a few tips for how to implement each drawing once you've completed it and I'll share with you a few neat tools to help you complete your next set of drawings.

Memory Mapped I/O in C

Mattia Maldini

Interacting with memory mapped device registers is at the base of all embedded development. Let's explore what tools the C language - standard of the industry - provide the developer with to face this task.

Here Comes The Noise!

GLENN Kirilow

Noise. That awful thing which nobody wants that most sadly never learn about. It's time to change that with this blog post.

You Don't Need an RTOS (Part 4)

Nathan Jones

In this fourth (and final!) article I'll share with you the last of the inter-process communication (IPC) methods I mentioned in Part 3: mailboxes/queues, counting semaphores, the Observer pattern, and something I'm calling a "marquee". When we're done, we'll have created the scaffolding for tasks to interact in all sorts of different the ways. Additionally, I'll share with you another alternative design for a non-preemptive scheduler called a dispatch queue that is simple to conceptualize and, like the time-triggered scheduler, can help you schedule some of your most difficult task sets.

7 Essential Steps for Reducing Power Consumption in Embedded Devices

Jacob Beningo

Reducing the amount of power your embedded device is consuming is not trivial. With so many devices moving to battery operations today, maximizing battery life can be the difference between a happy, raving customer and an unhappy one that ruins your company's reputation. This post explores seven steps for optimizing your embedded systems' power consumption. You'll gain insights into the steps and techniques necessary along with receiving a few resources to help you on your journey.

Imagine Conference