Imagine Conference

DeviceNet has 16-bit wide "octets"!

Started by Grant Edwards in comp.arch.embedded21 years ago 8 replies

I'm working on developing a DeviceNet product, and I've a feeling I'm in deep trouble when reading the DeviceNet spec. In one section the...

I'm working on developing a DeviceNet product, and I've a feeling I'm in deep trouble when reading the DeviceNet spec. In one section the authors refer to "8-bit octets", "16-bit octets", and "N*8-bit octets". WTF? The word "octet" was introduced to mean a chunk of _exactly_ 8 bits so that the word "byte" could denote a architecture dependant chunk containing a quantity of bits other t...

baud detection thru S/W in devicenet CAN

Started by pmm in comp.arch.embedded21 years ago 4 replies

Hello can any body help me with an idea ,for detection of baud in devicenet thru software which runs in the slave module Regards PMM

Hello can any body help me with an idea ,for detection of baud in devicenet thru software which runs in the slave module Regards PMM

devicenet command

Started by pmm in comp.arch.embedded21 years ago 2 replies

Hello , i am developing an application on the Digital IO control, and i am implementing a DiscreteInputPoint and DiscreteOutputPoint objects...

Hello , i am developing an application on the Digital IO control, and i am implementing a DiscreteInputPoint and DiscreteOutputPoint objects in the devicenet stack .i have a confusion, that is what will be the commands sent by a master to a specific DiscreteInputPoint . To put it neatly have a DiscreteinputPoint object which shall implements GetAttibuteSingle function .if the master wants to...

CIP, DeviceNet and Ethernet/IP groups/lists?

Started by unterberg in comp.arch.embedded17 years ago 2 replies

Hi, we are starting development using Ethernet/IP and DeviceNet protocols. Are there any other newsgroups or mailing lists where it...

Hi, we are starting development using Ethernet/IP and DeviceNet protocols. Are there any other newsgroups or mailing lists where it is appropriate to ask more detailed questions about these protocols or discuss issues than this group? Norbert

one Devicenet Question please

Started by pmm in comp.arch.embedded21 years ago 6 replies

Dear sir (Note to Mr Kevin Kramb:-sir i have followed your previous replies and i didnot get chance to thank you. thanks for you previous...

Dear sir (Note to Mr Kevin Kramb:-sir i have followed your previous replies and i didnot get chance to thank you. thanks for you previous replies they helped me a lot ) I have been working on IO control application. i have a doubt regarding POLL IO messages .i have a 4 in and 4 out Devicenet IO module . I wanted to implement the Poll support. i am not able to decide what will be the da...

8051 DeviceNet stack

Started by pnachtwey in comp.arch.embedded17 years ago 1 reply

Are there any recommendations for 8051 DeviceNet driver source code for a slave device? We are presently using Silicon Labs 8051 and the Keil...

Are there any recommendations for 8051 DeviceNet driver source code for a slave device? We are presently using Silicon Labs 8051 and the Keil compiler and tools. Silicon labs had a link to a supplier but they are no longer support the Silicon Labs 8051 for some reason. I don't mind paying for quality. Thanks, Peter Nachtwey

Devicenet POLL doubt

Started by pmm in comp.arch.embedded21 years ago 5 replies

Dear all I am implementing Devicenet slave device, in which I want to use a POLL command but I am stuck with the expected_packet_rate in...

Dear all I am implementing Devicenet slave device, in which I want to use a POLL command but I am stuck with the expected_packet_rate in POLL. what should be the default value of it . why should I configure expected_packet_rate in POLL because in POLL the slave will respond to master command and there is no specific chance that master will request every time after a specific interval. mas...

DeviceNet and ASi stack recommendations.

Started by Les Cargill in comp.arch.embedded12 years ago 3 replies

Who's good? Target is Linux 2.6.x with plenty of RS485 UARTS and Intel 82527 CAN controllers. -- Les Cargill

Who's good? Target is Linux 2.6.x with plenty of RS485 UARTS and Intel 82527 CAN controllers. -- Les Cargill


Started by Chris Hiler in comp.arch.embedded21 years ago 1 reply

Does anybody know if there is a demo board available for the PIC18F458? Any specific one that you might want to recommend? I saw a couple on...

Does anybody know if there is a demo board available for the PIC18F458? Any specific one that you might want to recommend? I saw a couple on Microchips website, and they didn't look like exactly what I'm looking for. I need to implement a group 2 slave for DeviceNet, using CAN. Thanks, Chris

Question on Devicenet

Started by pmm in comp.arch.embedded21 years ago 4 replies

Hello I am trying to retrive a revision number of a Prism (position sensor)(CutlerHammer make), and i am using netview to see the network on...

Hello I am trying to retrive a revision number of a Prism (position sensor)(CutlerHammer make), and i am using netview to see the network on SST master Card (CutlerHammer) .i am sending a 0E(getattribsingle) 05(connection) 00(instance) 01(attributeId) this gives me an error as Arrrtibute not supported .why this is so i think i am doing right since revision is a class attribute i should ...

'best' control network? Devicenet vs Lonworks vs CAN vs Fieldbus vs Ethernet ???

Started by perfb in comp.arch.embedded21 years ago 13 replies

no doubt this is a FAQ oft beat to death, but, assuming one wanted to control a network of about 10 i/o modules each with maybe 100 i/o...

no doubt this is a FAQ oft beat to death, but, assuming one wanted to control a network of about 10 i/o modules each with maybe 100 i/o digital/analog points, at maybe a 100Hz maximum rate (e.g. an automatic industrial processing machine of some kind) ... which control network would be, ahem, for lack of a better word, 'best'? (i.e. in terms of price/node, support, ease of development...

Devicenet Command again

Started by pmm in comp.arch.embedded21 years ago 2 replies

Dear all i am implementing a IO slave module .i have 4 output points which are monitored by 4 discrete output point objects .An assembly object...

Dear all i am implementing a IO slave module .i have 4 output points which are monitored by 4 discrete output point objects .An assembly object has a output instance which shall monitor these 4 Discreteoutput point objects (as i understood from specs).in the specs the attribute of the assembly object is a byte array .I have a doubt that what will be the master command format inorder to invok...

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