Forums Search for: Simulator
I2C simulator
inHi all, I want to learn 'how to program an I2C device' . I am trying to find a simulator for an I2C device which I can use to test any...
Hi all, I want to learn 'how to program an I2C device' . I am trying to find a simulator for an I2C device which I can use to test any sample programs I get from the web. When I search the web for a simulator I get a lot of VLSI related results. Is there a free I2C device simulator software for learning I2C programming. Thank in advance.
inHi all, I am searching an open source simulator for several families of microcontrollers like avr, pic16fxx or zilog. I need it to a...
Hi all, I am searching an open source simulator for several families of microcontrollers like avr, pic16fxx or zilog. I need it to a personnal project, so I have seen on internet a lot of informations about UMPS simulator but I think it s not open source. And i can't access to vmdesign website. If I can't find any simulator, I will have to program one that it may be difficult. Excuse my bad...
simulator/emulators for 8051/8085 on linux
inHello Everyone, Is there a good simulator for 8051/8085 muCs on linux? I checked out sourceforge/freshmeat but was not satisfied with the...
Hello Everyone, Is there a good simulator for 8051/8085 muCs on linux? I checked out sourceforge/freshmeat but was not satisfied with the available projects. Most of the currently available limit the stack size. Also, is there a simulator with C compiler bundled together? I am new to embedded programming and would like to start coding in C (and not assembly). Thanks in advance ./h ...
Is anyone using Jens Altmann's JSIM-51 simulator?
Is anyone successfully using Jens Altmann's JSIM-51 simulator for 8051 family processors? Or know where there's an active user community? I've...
Is anyone successfully using Jens Altmann's JSIM-51 simulator for 8051 family processors? Or know where there's an active user community? I've downloaded it and it runs, but there are some questions I need to ask. I chose this simulator because it seems to be the only free or low cost one that claims to support the Dallas 80C320. Thanks - Rowan
AVR studio4 problem
inI'm trying to move Studio4/GCC/winavr from my aging laptop to my desk PC I downloaded the latest versions for the PC but get the...
I'm trying to move Studio4/GCC/winavr from my aging laptop to my desk PC I downloaded the latest versions for the PC but get the following error Loaded plugin STK500 Loaded plugin AVR GCC Loaded partfile: C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\PartDescriptionFiles\ATmega128 AVR Simulator: Please wait while configuring simulator... AVR Simulator: ATmega128 Configured OK AVR Simulator: Inval...
Has anybody tried using Lauterbach's TRACE32 Simulator?
Hi guys. I'm doing some investigation regarding TRACE32 Simulator. I'll be simulating a board with a PowerPC chip installed running in pSOS....
Hi guys. I'm doing some investigation regarding TRACE32 Simulator. I'll be simulating a board with a PowerPC chip installed running in pSOS. When using the board, I simply connect it through RS232 to my PC. To test it, I use the Hyperterminal in Windows. But what I want is, instead of using the board, I want to use TRACE32 Simulator as if it was connected to my PC through RS232. I want to hav...
Profibus Master simulator
inDear friends, I am working on implementation of profibus slave for one of our products.To test the implementation ; I am looking for some...
Dear friends, I am working on implementation of profibus slave for one of our products.To test the implementation ; I am looking for some profibus master simulator.Is PC based profibus master simulator available as a free download or paid? Any help on this is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
reason for difference in MIPS between simulator and Board
inDear Friends, I am porting eAAC decoder in ARM926EJ-S (ARM9E core) The MIPS measurement in simulator and onboard are not same. MIPS onboard is...
Dear Friends, I am porting eAAC decoder in ARM926EJ-S (ARM9E core) The MIPS measurement in simulator and onboard are not same. MIPS onboard is higher than in simulator(4 to 6 MIPS) can anyone tell me what's the reason behind this? MIPS are measured onboard with cache disabled(at this point,will be enabled later) The reason i think of: 1.Stack/heap/bss section/state variables are not getti...
difference between simulator and emulator numbers in ARM926EJS
inHi I am new to ARM. I have a aac decoder which i run in arm. It is working fine and it is perfectly matching. But the performance...
Hi I am new to ARM. I have a aac decoder which i run in arm. It is working fine and it is perfectly matching. But the performance numbers between simulator and emulator differs widely. In Simulator it is around 20Mcycles. But when i run the same in emulator it takes around 10 to 20 times higher with catch enable. As a test I tried a single load from same location for 100 times and on ave...
strange behavious on AVR Simulator
inHi all , I am using AVR Studio + WinAVR to develop software for ATmega2560. Before the hardware arives I am trying to get used to the uC...
Hi all , I am using AVR Studio + WinAVR to develop software for ATmega2560. Before the hardware arives I am trying to get used to the uC by running software on the simulator that comes with AVR studio. I have all the 4 UARTS enabled and thier TX and RX interrupts enabled. When I some tests by a byte on all four UARTS the simulator execution only hits the ISRs for the first two UARTS and ...
How to access Server from web Browser
inHi, I had made a simple web server on VxWorks for the vxSim i.e. the simulator. I have installed the network interface for it on the...
Hi, I had made a simple web server on VxWorks for the vxSim i.e. the simulator. I have installed the network interface for it on the host, so i can ping the simulator from the host computer. Now, i want to communicate to the server, which is the simulator, through the web browser like internet explorer. Can someone guide me if anything on the host machine or on the server needs to be...
how to write a simulator for a processor
ini want programming details abt writing a processor Simulator in c language.. simulating a interrupt,clock ,bus register etc.. please mail...
i want programming details abt writing a processor Simulator in c language.. simulating a interrupt,clock ,bus register etc.. please mail me at bsvijayan@yahoo.com thank u buddy..
Looking for someone to write a MIPS RISC instruction set simulator
MIPS has an opening for a Senior Software Simulator Developer in its Sunnyvale headquarters. Responsibilities: =95 As a senior member of the...
MIPS has an opening for a Senior Software Simulator Developer in its Sunnyvale headquarters. Responsibilities: =95 As a senior member of the simulation team, you will be a key contributor to the development and support of instruction set simulators and a cycle accurate instruction set simulator using new exciting simulation technologies. =95 You will develop and support example devices fo...
H8/3664 Simulator
inHi for last 3 years I am working on h8/3664 with Hew2 and FDT. Can any one tell me from where I can download h8/3664 or its equivalent simulator....
Hi for last 3 years I am working on h8/3664 with Hew2 and FDT. Can any one tell me from where I can download h8/3664 or its equivalent simulator. As well as I need nos of sample codes.
Opinions on Atmel Studio4 sw?
inI'm still trying to get away from the 8051 with the Raisonance C compiler, which is normally fine for the junk I do. I've got the latest...
I'm still trying to get away from the 8051 with the Raisonance C compiler, which is normally fine for the junk I do. I've got the latest Winavr/GCC and Studio 4 installed, but I getting a bit suspicious of the simulator in Studio 4 when doing stuff in C It's probably me doing it wrong. The simulator/debug seems to miss single stepping through procedures, like my "TwiddlePORTD" routine...
ARM simulator
inHi, I am looking for a good ARM simulator. Requirements are: 1. stable and for as many variants of ARM family as possible. 2. cross-platform...
Hi, I am looking for a good ARM simulator. Requirements are: 1. stable and for as many variants of ARM family as possible. 2. cross-platform i.e on windows/Linux 3. cheap or preferably free... 4. no licensing problem if we ship it with our products. Please share your views and experiences. thank you, mudassir shabbir.
Looking for 68020 or 68030 simulator
inHello... I am searching for a software simulator for either of the 68020/68030 motorola microcprocessors. I've found multiple 68000 versions...
Hello... I am searching for a software simulator for either of the 68020/68030 motorola microcprocessors. I've found multiple 68000 versions but that will not work for me. This is a simple hobby project and I am trying to debug some existing 68020 embedded firmware. thanks Jim
16F913 mind of it's own
inUsing the simulator the program in question works sometimes and sometimes doesn't. I am trying to isolate a couple of problems as a last resort...
Using the simulator the program in question works sometimes and sometimes doesn't. I am trying to isolate a couple of problems as a last resort by placing an endless loop in the code (endhere. . . . goto endhere). But it breaks out of that. I've turned off the interrupts, they aren't used at all in the program. On the simulator it will jump to incorrect places from a certain point. It has gon...
Re: TI MSP430 question: Is there a software emulator for this chip?
inYou're asking about a software simulator. I've only used the one provided by IAR - but it is impressive. It's configurable and you can...
You're asking about a software simulator. I've only used the one provided by IAR - but it is impressive. It's configurable and you can program IRQ's - etc. I think the simulator may work in the free 8KB version - you can go to www.iar.com and take a look. HTH, John W. --------------= Posted using GrabIt =---------------- ------= Binary Usenet downloading made easy =--------- ...
Re: Cygnal/Silabs F12x MAC0, does it work?
inHi Gary, > MAC0ACC3 should be 0 and MAC0ACC2 should be 03 with the values you are using. that's correct. > Does the IDE have a...
Hi Gary, > MAC0ACC3 should be 0 and MAC0ACC2 should be 03 with the values you are using. that's correct. > Does the IDE have a simulator mode? If so, does that work? No, there is no simulator mode. > I wouldn't think it has anything to do with any JTAG weirdness as other stuff seems to be coming through just fine. agreed. Everything else is working fine in these chips. There ha