Forums Search for: Microprocessor
Re: Guy Macon on "how many microprocessors can dance on the head of a pin?"
inRobert Adsett wrote: > BTW the distinction I always heard between microcontroller and > microprocessor was the microcontroller did not...
Robert Adsett wrote: > BTW the distinction I always heard between microcontroller and > microprocessor was the microcontroller did not have an external bus and > the microprocessor did. That would make an 8051 a microprocessor. as a rough guide to usage, Google has it's advantages: 19,200 hits for "8051 microprocessor". 116,000 hits for "8051 microcontroller" So "8051 micro
Guy Macon on "how many microprocessors can dance on the head of a pin?"
inRobert Adsett wrote: > BTW the distinction I always heard between microcontroller and > microprocessor was the microcontroller did not...
Robert Adsett wrote: > BTW the distinction I always heard between microcontroller and > microprocessor was the microcontroller did not have an external bus and > the microprocessor did. That would make an 8051 a microprocessor. as a rough guide to usage, Google has it's advantages: 19,200 hits for "8051 microprocessor". 116,000 hits for "8051 microcontroller" So "8051 micro
microprocessor that improves as they progress
inJust wanted to know. Is it possible for a microprocessor (so the software) to improve their performance over period of time? Can microprocessor...
Just wanted to know. Is it possible for a microprocessor (so the software) to improve their performance over period of time? Can microprocessor improve its performance as they progress/continue to work? If not, what we need to do to achieve this? could this be implemented in silicon? Is it worth doing? Is there any research in progress?
generic microprocessor interface?
inI am told to design a generic microprocessor interface for a ASIC chip. Since I am not familiar with what types/modes of microprocessor...
I am told to design a generic microprocessor interface for a ASIC chip. Since I am not familiar with what types/modes of microprocessor are most popular, I don't know how generic I can reach. I am aware of there are synchronous/asychronous modes, separate or mux address/data modes. But I notice there are so many different families and series. Would somebody point me some typical familie...
[Q] NEC V25 microprocessor doesn't get any more???
inHi,... I heard some information on NEC v25 microprocessor.. NEC didn't supply this one... Is it right?? If you know how to get a NEC v25...
Hi,... I heard some information on NEC v25 microprocessor.. NEC didn't supply this one... Is it right?? If you know how to get a NEC v25 microprocessor(QFJ), please send to me... Thanks...
Look for a microprocessor trainer
inHi to all: I'm looking for a microprocessor trainer that I can program in assembly language, maybe C, and having a usb connection. It would...
Hi to all: I'm looking for a microprocessor trainer that I can program in assembly language, maybe C, and having a usb connection. It would be nice to have a hex keypad on the board as well. I'm familiar with the 68hc11 and the Z80, 8085, etc...Maybe want to make a step up. I want to work with some of my students with this, and have the ability to tie circuits to it..Have a small bre...
Is there any software emulator available for 80c186 microprocessor?
inHi, Can anyone suggest if there is any software emaulator available for 80c186 microproceesor where the application can be made to run and...
Hi, Can anyone suggest if there is any software emaulator available for 80c186 microproceesor where the application can be made to run and tested on PC as if running on the actual 80c186 microprocessor chip? Thank you
SOC vs. Microcontroller vs. Microprocessor
inI have always liked to distinguish a microprocessor from a microcontroller based on whether or not there are integrated peripherals on the same...
I have always liked to distinguish a microprocessor from a microcontroller based on whether or not there are integrated peripherals on the same chip or just a CPU. There are some companies that seem to refer to what I traditionally thought of as microcontrollers by the term du jour, System-on-a-Chip. Are these two terms synonymous? Furthermore, sometimes these SOCs are referred to in the sam...
Identify microprocessor from code.
inHi, I want to identify a microprocessor from the code because I dont have the micro number. This micro uses an EPROM 27C4001. These are the...
Hi, I want to identify a microprocessor from the code because I dont have the micro number. This micro uses an EPROM 27C4001. These are the first part of code staring from line 500h: 01 00 6D F5 52 E5 6D 7D 6D F6 52 D6 09 65 01 00 6D 76 52 E6 09 5E 54 70 01 00 6D F5 0F E5 01 00 6D 76 55 5C 0F D6 54 70 01 00 6D F5 0F E5 01 00 6D 76 0F E6 4B 0C 0F D5 4A 10 17 B5 55 42 17 B6 54 70 17 B6 0F ...
New microprocessor architecture
inHi Friends, I have one patent about a new microprocessor architecture so called "Network-on-Chip Dataflow Architecture". The patent has been...
Hi Friends, I have one patent about a new microprocessor architecture so called "Network-on-Chip Dataflow Architecture". The patent has been proved in Germany, and is processed in the US. According to my analyzing, it is very powerful, low power consumption, and requires low memory bandwidth. Its performance lies in between normal microprocessors and FPGA prototypes depending on applicatio...
BSD licenced microprocessor indi (MAX II 386 LEs)
inhi BSD licence microprocessor 283 LEs 6% Cyclone II EP2C5T144C6 44 Warnings Still unverified. just retargeted to MAX II to see how it...
hi BSD licence microprocessor 283 LEs 6% Cyclone II EP2C5T144C6 44 Warnings Still unverified. just retargeted to MAX II to see how it went. looks good. 386LEs 17% MAX II EPM2210F256C3 yes got it to compile at last after discovering a bit more about buses and naming of them. TEST16 toplevel object schematic encapsulates the indi16 with reset logic and tristate databus, to co...
What's the relationship between these terms
inHi, I am not so clear about the relationship and precisely definition about some terms below: Microprocessor, Core, Board,...
Hi, I am not so clear about the relationship and precisely definition about some terms below: Microprocessor, Core, Board, Microcontrollor For example, samsung S3C2410 manul say it is using a ARM920T core. So, is the S3C2410 a Microprocessor or a board? Thank you. - woody
Home Development Kit and Example SW Project.
inHi, I am currently looking to advance my embedded development skills and would like to develop some software at home... Can anybody suggest...
Hi, I am currently looking to advance my embedded development skills and would like to develop some software at home... Can anybody suggest a development kit that I could use for home development - Such as a microprocessor with peripheral support such as a UART, RAM, possibly FLASH etc... I would also like the device to program the microprocessor. Preferably it would support C/C++ and ...
Highest Performance Processor Executing JAVA Bytecodes
inA microprocessor according to my patented technology can execute JAVA bytecodes (stack machine instructions) as well as register-based codes in an...
A microprocessor according to my patented technology can execute JAVA bytecodes (stack machine instructions) as well as register-based codes in an out-of-order wide-range superscalar manner. http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=EP&NR=1324192&KC=&locale=en_EP&FT=E Any microprocessor without the patented technology is not considered to be able to match in terms of byteco...
Microprocessor address space and variables?
inHallo, I must create a memory for a display lcd. This is part of a microcontroller based on a microprocessor. I thought to do it using a...
Hallo, I must create a memory for a display lcd. This is part of a microcontroller based on a microprocessor. I thought to do it using a variable, a matrix: display[X][Y] (the software video memory). This variable should exaclty stay into micrporcessor address space where I have mapped a ram (the hardware video memory) from 0x77200000 to 0x7720FFFF. In this way, working with my var...
microprocessor based fire alarm systems
inhi i am doing a college based project on microprocessor based fire alarm systems. I am trying to get information on the microprocessors used...
hi i am doing a college based project on microprocessor based fire alarm systems. I am trying to get information on the microprocessors used in these applications. i know that they typically work in a modular fashion with a central unit that connects to smoke detectors, alarms etc. can someone tell me what processor is typically used in this central unit? eg 8bit,16 bit, motorola etc? i...
FPGA/CPLD vs uC / uP based embedded system
inJust courious, when you're faced with new embedded design, what criteria that you use to select the design base (FPGA/CPLD based...
Just courious, when you're faced with new embedded design, what criteria that you use to select the design base (FPGA/CPLD based or microcontroller/microprocessor based)? What projects is good for FPGA/CPLD and what projects is good for microprocessor/microcontroller ? Is there any good reference on this ? Thank You
Temperature sensing
inAny thoughts about how to sense temperatures up to 1400 C inside a kiln, for purposes of logging the data or feedback to the microprocessor that...
Any thoughts about how to sense temperatures up to 1400 C inside a kiln, for purposes of logging the data or feedback to the microprocessor that controls it?
Looking for inexpensive -48v to +12v or +5v, 10-15 watt converter
inI need to run some microprocessor equipment from -48 volt central office battery and I'm looking for a packaged and tested converter for a...
I need to run some microprocessor equipment from -48 volt central office battery and I'm looking for a packaged and tested converter for a reasonable price.
8 Bit up With Lots Of RAM
inDoes anyone know of an 8 bit microprocessor with at least 32K of SRAM and 32K of Flash? Or any number of bits if it's cheap (
Does anyone know of an 8 bit microprocessor with at least 32K of SRAM and 32K of Flash? Or any number of bits if it's cheap (