

Started by opti...@gmail.com in comp.arch.embedded17 years ago

--- CALL FOR PAPERS --- --------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON OPTICAL SUPERCOMPUTING...

--- CALL FOR PAPERS --- --------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON OPTICAL SUPERCOMPUTING (OSC'08) --------------------------------------------------------- August 25-29, 2008, Vienna, Austria In conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Unconventional Computation (UC'08) WEB PAGE: http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~moltean/osc2008 ...

Ada-Europe 2017 - early registration until May 22

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded7 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Call for Participation ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Call for Participation *** UPDATED Program Summary *** 22nd International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2017 12-16 June 2017, Vienna, Austria http://www.ada-europe.org/c...

Ada-Europe 2018 - early registration until May 14

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded6 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Call for Participation ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Call for Participation *** UPDATED Program Summary *** 23rd International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2018 18-22 June 2018, Lisbon, Portugal http://www.ada-europe.org/c...

Ada-Europe 2019 - early registration until May 20

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded5 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Participation ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Participation *** UPDATED Program Summary *** 24th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2019 11-14 June 2019, Warsaw, Poland http://www.ada-europe.org/conf...

Ada-Europe 2007 submission deadline approaching

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded18 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd CALL FOR PAPERS ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd CALL FOR PAPERS 12th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2007 25 - 29 June 2007, Geneva, Switzerland http://www.ada-europe.org/conference2007.html Organised, on behal...

FPT'06: First Call-for-paper

Started by FPT'06 Bangkok Thailand in comp.arch.embedded18 years ago

The 2006 IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (ICFPT 06) ...

The 2006 IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (ICFPT 06) ----------------------------------------- www.icfpt2006.org Fortune Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand December 13 - 15, 2006 Organized by the Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand Technical co-sponsorship by IEEE Cir...

Ada-Europe 2008 submission deadline approaching

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded17 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS 13th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2008 16 - 20 June 2008, Venice, Italy http://www.ada-europe.org/conference2008.html Organized by Ada...


Started by Patrick Meuser-Bianca in comp.arch.embedded16 years ago 12 replies

I'm aiming to do a self-diagnostic method for a model dialogue range on optional domains for unified plural clauses by Intel x86 assembly for...

I'm aiming to do a self-diagnostic method for a model dialogue range on optional domains for unified plural clauses by Intel x86 assembly for a task-independent systemology or basic routines for conference calling. What is a good assembler that is freely bound to domain specific routes for metaphorical expansions of the huge model memory intrinsics ie. no docs needed, as for which the SALT m...

OLinuXino, a serious Rasberry Pi competitor?

Started by Don McKenzie in comp.arch.embedded12 years ago 120 replies

OLinuXino, a serious Rasberry Pi competitor? After talks at the recent Embedded conference in Germany (2012), Olimex decided to go ahead with...

OLinuXino, a serious Rasberry Pi competitor? After talks at the recent Embedded conference in Germany (2012), Olimex decided to go ahead with the production of two new boards that were very similar to the Rasberry Pi. The first one they should have prototypes in the coming weeks. The second will be 3 to 6 months before production boards will be seen, so I won't cover it in this repor...

Fusion & CoreMP7 versus standard microcontroller

Started by Anonymous in comp.arch.embedded17 years ago 2 replies

I know this is the embedded forum, but with these parts especially the Fusion the design has more to do with embedded system design than FPGA. I...

I know this is the embedded forum, but with these parts especially the Fusion the design has more to do with embedded system design than FPGA. I just came back from the embedded systems conference and participated on these product seminars and discussion. The question I can not answer should I change over to one of the softcore FPGA based design concepts. I try to stick with one tool and n...

Embedded Systems Conference priced out of reach?

Started by Mark Borgerson in comp.arch.embedded17 years ago 28 replies

I just got my flyer for the April San Jose ESC. Inside the front cover I found the following "best value" prices for all access...

I just got my flyer for the April San Jose ESC. Inside the front cover I found the following "best value" prices for all access passes: before Feb 6 $1795 (the brocure arrived on the 10th) Mar 5 1995 Mar 29 2195 on site 2295 Or you could just attend the free exhibits and a single 90-minute class at $195 No downloadable class notes or proceedings CD...

Freescale Semiconductor Bought Out by Blackstone for $17.6B

Started by Bill Giovino in comp.arch.embedded18 years ago 3 replies

Freescale Semiconductor has been bought out by a group of investors led by Blackstone: for U.S....

Freescale Semiconductor has been bought out by a group of investors led by Blackstone: for U.S. $17.6B http://microcontroller.com/news/freescale_buyout.asp I'm at the Embedded Systems Conference in Boston and I've had mixed reviews on my analysis. I'm just sayin' what I think... Regards, Bill Giovino Executive Editor http://Microcontroller.com

Ada-Europe 2014 submission deadline approaching

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded11 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS 19th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2014 23-27 June 2014, Paris, France http://www.ada-europe.org/conference2014 Organized by Ada-France on beha...

Ada-Europe 2014 early registration deadline approaching

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded10 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Call for Participation ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Call for Participation 19th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2014 23-27 June 2014, Paris, France http://www.ada-europe.org/conference2014 Organized by Ada-France on ...

FINAL CfP Ada-Europe 2016, Jan 24 submission deadline

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded9 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL Call for Papers ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL Call for Papers 21st International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2016 13-17 June 2016, Pisa, Italy http://www.ada-europe.org/conference2016 Organized by Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna...

Press Release - Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2015

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded9 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL Call for Participation ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL Call for Participation *** UPDATED Program Summary *** 20th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2015 22-26 June 2015, Madrid, Spain ...

Press Release - Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2016

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded8 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL Call for Participation ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL Call for Participation *** UPDATED Program Summary *** 21st International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2016 13-17 June 2016, Pisa, Italy ...

Press Release - Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2017

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded7 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL Call for Participation ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL Call for Participation *** UPDATED Program Summary *** 22nd International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2017 12-16 June 2017, Vienna, Austria ...

Press Release - Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2018

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded6 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL Call for Participation ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL Call for Participation *** UPDATED Program Summary *** 23rd International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2018 18-22 June 2018, Lisbon, Portugal ...

FINAL CfP Ada-Europe 2014, Dec 15 submission deadline

Started by Dirk Craeynest in comp.arch.embedded11 years ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL Call for Papers / Tutorials / Workshops ...

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL Call for Papers / Tutorials / Workshops 19th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2014 23-27 June 2014, Paris, France Organized by Ada-